Another Gawker Refugee

I just worry that Kellyanne might stab you.

There’s quite a bit of biblical referencing in Chrono Trigger.

Not my fault republicans have kind of dirtied the term. You’re right though. I would apply the issues more to just modern republican outlooks and techniques than political conservatism.

Don’t worry, it’s another Trump supporter mainstay of Whataboutism

This always baffled me, but there’s absolutely like... Trekkies out there who are conservatives and stuff. I don’t get it, did you just think Star Trek was about those cool times when Kirk was punching aliens or Picard zapped guys with phasers? Did you miss like... everything between those moments?

There are a couple of angles you could go through. THere’s a lot of shit involving monsters and people fighting, and learning that monsters are just sentient beings with their own issues.

“Don’t forget it was raining. Such a downpour... And suddenly, just before the picture was taken, the clouds parted. And I know God was looking down on us, because suddenly Bill Belichick’s skin burst into flames.”

I’m pretty sure they’re joking, based on handle and pic and previous comments.

you have a lot of hangers-on jumping into the frame of the photo

one African-american gentleman in a red suit who is clearly an out of season reserve mall Santa

Oh god ... youre not joking, are you?

Goofus is in the first pic; Gallant is in the second.

Just a note regarding body odor (and I’ve made it my mission to say this on every semi-related Lifehacker article) - legitimately not everyone has it.

If she didn’t want to get raped she shouldn’t have gone out or worn a short skirt.

[Puts on flack jacket and shounder pads. Straps on helmet. Puts safety goggles on. Inserts mouth guard. Checks cup. Ties steel toed boots. Looks around. Deep breath.]

They didn’t know it was meth. They suspected it was something illegal, and likely drugs. In a sane environment, since they had probable cause, they would detain the kid and have the liquid tested, because that’s how the system is supposed to work.

This is the worst possible take anyone could have for this situation.

He was 16 and stupid. Didn’t deserve to die for it.

Yeah. All on his own. With two armed adults telling him to do so. Not coerced at all.  

I work in the medical device industry, and am an avid market watcher of Silicon Valley (and an enthusiastic viewer of HBO’s amazing “Silicon Valley”, which has a season premier on Sunday #NotSponConJustStanning). Grumbling about FDA oversight and regulatory bottlenecking is as much a part of our small talk office