Another Gawker Refugee

Clearly the dress is gold and light black.

Not sure how a civilian or civilians pulling out a firearm(s) would have improved the situation. Care to enlighten?

It’s ‘cause with an apostrophe.

Makes sense. North Jersey choads always claim they’re from NYC until something happens and their real colors show.

Do you want Goatsee?

Yeah, kind of. “Bad games” is a fairly nebulous terms when you can break it down like that. And as the other user that replied to you said, there’s also the ENTRY gate because I don’t wanna shell out $5 for a game that might be the worst game on the planet that I can tell from screenshots might be total garbage, while

This is partly why Mass Effect: Andromeda is getting shit on in the press right now. Objectively, it’s a very fun game. It’s also maybe not so great as an RPG conversation simulator compared to the original trilogy, so the people who were fans of that most are being very vocal about how much they hate it.

It’s good to hear you’re on your way to the local recruiting station to sign up. It’s refreshing when warmongers are willing to sign up for the war they’re advocating.

Be first and be witty, guaranteed updoots.

Now star me because I was early.

Really, where have you been?

If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

You guys remember all those heavily armed leftists walking around with their AR 15 penis-extenders and ‘don’t tread on me’ flags for the last 8 years?

Those loony leftists, always getting angry just because someone wants to poison them to make a few bucks.

In all honesty, why does Michael Bay keep having humans in these movies? Why can’t he just give me a CGI fest war for Cybertron prequel? These plots are never good, just give me a simple war movie.

Are you kidding me with this “Hot Librarian” bullshit look!?! She looks like a stripper in a fetish costume! This is how you know not matter how objectively awesome a movie that ties together King Arthur, Nazis and giant fighting robots sounds, because it’s Michael Bay it will invariably be absolute juvenille shit.

This is great though, because it hovers over the food.

This is great though, because it hovers over the food.

Like she cared about the dead children from that Yemen raid. Bigly caring.

I’ve never ever ever seen a pic where they look handsome.

How much time do you think the ebay user who praised Ortega’s use of “Merry Christmas” will spend trying to edit their feedback now that they know Ortega’s Mexican?

If you just want to see unionized workers make excuses for why black people deserve to be killed, we already have police unions.