Another Gawker Refugee

A man.

I took collateral all the time when I let friends borrow books, music and movies because I knew I’d never get them back unless there was an incentive. Nowadays nobody borrows that stuff. Tools though? Oh yeah. If it’s really for a “quick” repair or some yard work “this afternoon”, then there’s no reason they can’t

Tell them to hand over some form of collateral when they hit you up for money. $20? Hey, nice watch. Hand it over. $50? I’ll just hold onto your Kindle for the time being. $100? We’ll just be keeping your iPad at my place until you pay back that Benjamin. For $170 you end up with a nice watch, a Kindle Paperwhite and

Can I come over and make out with my girlfriend or maybe even get a handjob during the movie?

Woah! Hold on! Let me get a piece of paper and a pen. This is gold!

My two are sunflower seeds and rear parking.

I don’t care for his vocals, but I can appreciate a unique vocalist’s style and what it brings to any song.

The song doesn’t rhyme...

Remove the off button.

If you live in Alabama and have a smoking hot daughter between the ages of 14 and 19 please PM me so we can set up a date. I am a 44 year old white male, am interested in hugging and kissing and maybe a little heavy petting. I respect the young ladies so I don’t “grab ‘em” on the first date. I also own a cowboy hat.

Also, he must not own any furniture. Or pets. Or children.

Pfft. Amateur. I put all my stuff on punch cards, encrypt the key to sort order, shuffle the cards, then hide the key in a fake hollow tooth next to the one that holds the cyanide capsule. The tricky part is remembering which tooth has which.

The very first video linked in the article features Spider-man pranking the Hulk by lighting the newspaper he’s reading on fire. Now, I’m no child psychologist, but I think showing kids they can make a funny trick by setting something on fire might be setting a bad example. And that was just in the first minute or so.

I’d love to know how many people lost money on that YouTube gamble... destroying expensive electronics and never getting the clicks they hoped for.

I think they’re flirting with Star Wars saturation. It’s a fun franchise, but I think the public is just going to get tired of non-stop SW after a while.

With 36 million views...

“We don’t want these illegal immigrant turning into legal liberals, y’all”

I don’t think it’s really a legislative issue as much as a constitutional one. You’re right, Congress has the power to declare war and not the executive. Congress has been shirking its duties on all sorts of constitutional fronts and ceding power to the executive for decades, at least since FDR made a massive

I forgot to mention Field Guide, which is a tech how-to sub-blog of Gizmodo’s. I can’t help but think that LH has done a focus length breakdown in the past (though I’ve never seen it). How long ago and maybe it deserves a refresh might not be a bad idea.