Another Gawker Refugee

Pfft. Amateur. I put all my stuff on punch cards, encrypt the key to sort order, shuffle the cards, then hide the key in a fake hollow tooth next to the one that holds the cyanide capsule. The tricky part is remembering which tooth has which.

“We don’t want these illegal immigrant turning into legal liberals, y’all”

I don’t think it’s really a legislative issue as much as a constitutional one. You’re right, Congress has the power to declare war and not the executive. Congress has been shirking its duties on all sorts of constitutional fronts and ceding power to the executive for decades, at least since FDR made a massive

I forgot to mention Field Guide, which is a tech how-to sub-blog of Gizmodo’s. I can’t help but think that LH has done a focus length breakdown in the past (though I’ve never seen it). How long ago and maybe it deserves a refresh might not be a bad idea.

I happen to have a super nice, red bridge for sale... might this friend of yours be interested in buying it by any chance?

Hit and runs by human drivers, yeah. Driverless cars will be programmed to stop unless the collission was so slight as to not register on some sensor or other.

Yes. We haven’t yet made an automated kinja chatbot to make snarky replies. It’s all manual, baby.

My lasagna makes Jon Stewart look like Abe Vigoda.

That’s my standard when I cook for others.

I used to find dopp kits at off-price department stores (Ross, Marshalls, etc...) for less than $10. Those things are handy for far more than toiletries. I use them for laptop and audio cables/accessories, gadgets and controllers, and all sorts of other smallish items. I found one that was heavily padded and, with a

I used to find dopp kits at off-price department stores (Ross, Marshalls, etc...) for less than $10. Those things

You need a teacher or, say, a pastor armed with a gun to enforce the gun-free zone.

I’m torn... if Papa John’s gives racists crippling diarrhea, maybe they deserve each other?

Do you go for white meat or dark meat when you carve one up?

Damn it! Now I want some sausages.

I don’t think the divining rod gets used enough in video games.

Where will it stop? Will it stop at Thomas Jefferson and George Washington cosplayers? I don’t know!

“Hey, how about them homeless people? Amirite? Hhahahahah!”

I think the plan to make Puerto Rico feel so miserable and unwelcome that the island will finally opt for independence and deprive Democrats of potential latin voters might backfire on Trump and the GOP.