Another Gawker Refugee

My showers are now 20-25 minutes long because the beer in this country is almost exclusively sold in liter bottles.

I think it’s time for a good ol’ fashioned Nintendo cartridge burning! Yeah! Who’s with me?! C’mon! We’ll torch a few VHS copies of Star Wars and ET for good measure! Yee-ha! Maybe some rock and roll cassettes, too!

So, learning that “You have the power within you and there is this life force that we can tap into for good or evil” is a bad thing?

Beautiful people get a pass on everything. In studies with controls of “average” or “less attractive” people, they get hired for better jobs at better pay, are given the benefit of the doubt more often, and face less severe consequences for having done wrong.

FOX and O’Reilly maintain that nothing wrong ever happened and both will double down. For O’Reilly to make any act of contrition or FOX to remove or reschedule the Factor would be the same as capitulating to liberals, women and their accusers... and that itsn’t going to happen.

You gotta find your own thrills and danger, just like Rex Kramer.

I keep thinking about all the women who work at Fox who from now on live in the shadow that they were hired and promoted at Fox because they slept with Ailes.

Ahh.. Maradona! MAGA!


I’ve been a fan since first watching Nightline in the ‘90s. Sober, serious, knowledgable and interesting. That was such a good show.

I live in South America and Trump hasn’t changed whatever attitudes people here had about American citizens to begin with, for better or for worse. They recognize he’s just an elected leader. I’m often asked what I think, but people seem to be reluctant to share their opinions when I ask them for their take about what

This is what happens when republicans legislate on the basis of spite. “No to anything Obama” is not a political vision or philosophy of governance.

Body disposal

I just cribbed it from the sequence of events that was supposed to take place, according to the leaked script, during the musical montage in Rambo 6: Second Blood Squared, Part Two +1 where John Rambo leaves the nursing home and gets back into shape to do battle against oppresive insurance adjusters. I just added some

Sugar alone isn’t bad for teeth. It easily dissolves in liquid, like saliva, and doesn’t hang around in the mouth for very long before it’s all swallowed.

The Trumpocalypse will be intense. You must be as equally or more intense to survive. Sharpen knives. Dig survival tunnels. Watch Rambo. Dig another tunnel. Put sharp knife in clenched teeth while doing push-ups. Learn to skin a man alive. Obtain arrow-proof body armor. Eat bugs. Learn to fight dogs. Practice grip

I think you’re safe with Orange.

I still have my 1986, Rambo-branded, survival knife. Whacha gonna do with your silly string when I emerge behind you from a wall of mud and slit your throat? Huh, Katniss? Huh?
