Another Gawker Refugee

Liberal protestors are 5 freedom points.

I recently read something about how the left should take a page from tea Party supporters regarding tactics. It included some anecdotes about how staffers were overwhelmed with phone calls, emails, faxes, messages, and social media. I wish I could remember where I read it. ..hell.. it could have been a jezzie post.

Hey.. life-long Floridian here who has almost zero practical experience driving in snow with a question.

For reference, I’m talking about 1987 - 1992.

At 10:50 “I feel bad, I didn’t mean to be, like, racial profiling...”

I love how you tagged it “Children’s books”. So Seussian!

This is actually good (sort of)! Let me explain...

Thank you! Commenting: you’re doing it right.

At least you have the satisfaction that some of your urine maybe got on onto his shoes as he was kicking you through your piss soaked clothes.

I have a feeling Trump will declare Trump Tower as a national monument within his first week of office. “Hey, if Obama can go crazy and name every rock and crappy wooden hut he likes a national monument, I should too! It’s only fair!”

That’s very thoughtful and considerate of you. Counterpoint: it’s their own damned fault for not loving the magical pig and all its tasty delicious meat products. So less for them and more for me.

I’d been using the theme from A-Team as both ringtone and morning alarm for a few months now. I love it, but it’s time to change things up. I think this is perfect.

So many epic war movies should be done on motorcycles

Russia went from Yeltsin to Putin. At this rate, we’ll go from Trump to Pence.

Nah... because

I’ll give it a go later this week, thanks for the tip!

Can we rechristen? I’ve been mulling our options.

Yeah, I followed along for a few months just after he started back up again. It’s pretty good, but Bloom County for me was a time and a place. It’s nice to revisit, but it just feels a little off today.

I wrote this a few months ago, but I figured I’d share it again since it seems so appropriate..