Edfonzo Algardo

That certainly sounds like something he’d do. “He must be innocent, the president pardoned him.” “Sir, you are the president.” “I sure am!”

That ... is a reasonable response. I hope that I’m right and you’re wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the other way around.

No sympathy for this guy, but it’s interesting that his remarks as quoted above show at least a hint of self-awareness. Let’s hope he resolves to be a better person, though I won’t exactly be holding my breath on that one.

Well, it allows me to think dark thoughts about someone and still see myself as a good person, so it’s mostly a selfish mental construct on my part. But really, any outcome that leads to Jeff Sessions not having any authority over anything anywhere at all is probably a good thing.

Is that bad, when a 90% senile old man who is plenty indecisive on his own is being ineptly manipulated by two rival groups of evil morons? Oh, and by the way he’s the president of the United States and he has the power to nuke the planet? I feel like that might be a bad thing.

What’s really baffling/sickening is that statistics pretty much guarantee that a significant percentage of that 53% have themselves been victims of rape.

Instead of wishing death or disability on people like Sessions, I wish them enlightenment. If he was to become wholly, truly aware of what he is and what he’s done, if he was burdened with true empathy for his fellow human beings, it would be more debilitating for him than any illness or injury. Won’t happen, of

Assuming we survive the Trump and/or Pence administration as a more-or-less democratic nation, I predict that our descendants will be appalled to learn that we once tolerated locking people up just because they wanted to get stoned.

D’you suppose Bannon and Miller sit around having conversations like this, except they’re seriously trying to figure out how to manipulate the orange dumbass to OK their evil schemes? I bet they’ve had a similar discussion.

You’re brilliant. “Obama was such a beta cuck, he didn’t even know what his own staff was up to half the time. I assume you’re well aware of what your people are doing at all times, right?”

Donald Sr. claiming that he didn’t know about his son’s meeting is like saying, “I couldn’t have robbed the gas station, I was too busy robbing the bank at the time!” If he hasn’t taken the time to find out what his staff and family’s contacts with Russia have been, then he leaves himself unprepared for weeks like

Melania: “Donald, what happened to that hundred dollar bill I left on the coffee table a moment ago?”

They are gaslighting the nation. Ninety percent of their base is too dumb to know it, and the rest enjoys taking part in the gaslighting.

On the rare occasion that a video truly goes viral, if it has ads attached, it will make massive amounts of money for the platform that hosts it. Stupid MBA executives look at those windfall profits and ask themselves, “Why can’t we just do this all the time?”

I was this close to exposing myself ... wait, why are you all looking at me like that?

I’m down with Germany being its awesome self, but I’d like a somewhat functional America, too. I’m greedy like that. I know, bound to be disappointed.

Elmo: “Clean air is good for you!”

I love that header image at the top of this post.

So if I’m hearing this correctly, if someone sends Don Jr. an email saying, “Shave your father bald,” he has to do it, right? He has no responsibility over what happens after he receives an email, apparently.

Elmo: “I like trees! Trees are great!”