Edfonzo Algardo

Great, with these T-shirts and the shorts that Cheryl suggested, I’ll have a whole outfit!

A wizard’s t-shirt is never too big, nor is it too small. He arrives wearing precisely what he means to.

Shame he’s not from Minnesota.

That seems a bit racist.

I don’t play on a team, so I was golfing all along.

So women can’t be feminists in sexy outfits? Is that what I’m hearing? And frankly it wasn’t that sexy. Sure, she’s pretty, but it wasn’t exactly bondage gear. I never got the impression that she was there to simply be a visual treat for male eyes - unlike Black Widow in some scenes of the Marvel films.

Got a light?

[sees how terrible Kinja still is]

This was a decent show, as shows about vampire detectives go.

This video is unavailable.

Looks like you’re out of the grays, actually.

Alex, if you follow me and get me out of the grays, I’ll market your site to any number of filthy rich dirtbags. Maybe we can get a bidding war going!

As you’re well aware, it is technically possible to have an engaging conversation on Kinja, but that’s only due to the persistence of the users and not to the credit of the platform itself.

The show hasn’t served Thoros well. He’s a legendary warrior in Westeros who lost his faith and then regained it. The storytelling options for a character like that are many.

“No sir, that’s your limousine, the eclipse was last week.”

When it comes to defending Nazis, he just can’t see what the problem is.

I’ve already forgotten the end. It wasn’t terribly memorable.

“It was a great eclipse, really spectacular. People are saying it was the best eclipse in history. Crooked Hillary could never have made such a great eclipse.”

I believe Zombie Ray Bradbury retracted that remark.