Edfonzo Algardo

There are so many nutjobs in this administration I can’t keep up. While I’m reading about Sessions, DeVos is meeting with rape apologists. Read a story about Pruitt catering to industry types, and possibly miss a story about Bannon’s nefarious worldview. Donald Jr. is getting all the attention for outing himself as an

The Republican base is too stupid to understand covert racism, they demand that it be overt and proud. The days of dog-whistle tactics are coming to a close.

“Grade A, USDA certified.”

Even if Hillary is every inch the criminal mastermind her enemies claim that she is, she still comes out way ahead of Trump because that would mean she was way better at it than he is.

And that weak-ass statement above from Trump proves your point. I have family members I actively dislike, and I could muster a better reaction than that if they were in hot water.

“I want to address these rumors about Donald Trump Jr. What you’ve heard are lies. I don’t know this person, never met him. I don’t even have a son.”

The pitchers: Chan Ho Park and Mitch Williams.

This is Gary Hart daring the press to find the bimbos, except he then hands over pictures and video of himself with the bimbos, oh and instead of bimbos it’s treason and collusion with our nation’s enemies.

And once your entire self-image is built upon lies, then the truth no longer has any meaning.

They behave as if being accused of racism is actually worse than being the object of racism itself.

I love my dad, but if he came to me wanting to steal from my charity for kids with cancer, I would expose him or it and then never speak to him again. So no sympathy for Eric, he’s complicit.

Given enough time in power, I think it’s a safe bet that this administration would legalize marital rape ... for starters.

He looks like he suspects he may have sharted, but he’s not sure, and he’s pondering whether he should slip his hand back there to check.

That’s what confused me. In some of these, it appears that he knows he’s being photographed, and he allowed that to continue, looking the way he does?

I think the root of their anger is that on some subconscious level they know that they’re bad people, or incompetent, or beneficiaries of privilege that they don’t deserve, or all three. So they have to lash out if anything threatens to harm the mental barriers they’ve built around those core truths.

Criminy, when you put it that way, the Bushes and Gerald Ford are the beacons of Republican ethics in my lifetime ...

“Is there a jail where I can still hunt large endangered animals?”

Oooh, excellent psychological profiling. (And I’m actually being sincere for a second). People who commit acts that they know full well to be morally or ethically wrong often rely on the rationale that “everyone is doing it.” The brain needs that defense mechanism because very few of us are prepared to accept that

“Hey Ivanka, did you see how your brother was crying like a weak little baby right before I squashed him with that bus? That was so, so funny, very presidential of me to destroy my own son like that. Now come sit on my lap ...”

Right!?!?!?! There are certain kinds of crime I can understand, even as I deplore it, like robbing banks or embezzling. Those are bad things and you shouldn’t do them, and I wouldn’t, but I get the impulse.