If they send the kangaroos after us we’re finished.
If they send the kangaroos after us we’re finished.
I just want to see a candid clip of someone saying the name “Donald Trump,” followed by Angela Merkel rolling her eyes. Can’t you just picture it?
Kim Jong-un is grateful there’s at least one world leader whose hairdo is worse than his own.
Hey Donny Boy, you can stop tweeting about Hillary, the election is over and no one on the Democratic side is particularly invested in her fate anymore. I only object to prosecution of Hillary in the same way I object to the prosecution of any apparently innocent person. She’s no longer the leader of our party. You…
If the Mets were to sweep a 4-game set, they’d cut 4 games off Washington’s lead. Of course that’s highly unlikely.
Under normal circumstances, I think his refusal to answer without the shield of EP could be construed as contempt of Congress, but there’s no way he’ll face that kind of ramification with the clowns running things now.
Sessions had to be bailed out by the menfolk who dimly realized that she was making them all look bad.
I would just add the Zero Sum Game mentality. If there’s something in the world that I think I deserve, and yet I don’t have it, it stands to reason that someone took it from me. Therefore, I am justified in using force to try to get it back.
We’re capable of logic but not wired for it, we only manage it with devoted effort. But we like to see ourselves as logical, so we cloak our animal behavior with bullshit excuses. And by denying our own true nature, we avoid dealing with the issue and fail to enact solutions that might actually reduce violence.
Good point. The mental gymnastics come into play if Griner ever dares to actually say something political, and then they have to decide if she was actually a “thug” all along or if she was merely brainwashed by the lamestream media.
When I moderated a website a while back, name-calling meant an automatic ban, even if it was something as funny as “Tom’s Caca.”
People like Scalise already have a mental gymnastics routine ready for situations like this: They’ll just label her as “one of the good ones” and never give it another thought.
That was the beta model, it broke down during testing.
If I had any power to influence, I would endorse you being permanently ungray. I make a point of bringing your stuff out of the grays whenever I find it there.
Somewhere there’s a mad scientist crossing DeVos and Trump DNA to create the hyperbeast that will devour all of our souls.
Ben is a loon for sure, but I think he’d be more of a GWB-type figure. Given that he tried to talk Trump out of naming him to the cabinet, not to mention all the evidence that his campaign was only ever a cash grab, I don’t think he is really all that interested in political power.
I thought the comment had a Ringo of truth to it.
I get it, you’re trying to insinuate that one of his predecessors, who exceeds him in all those categories, would certainly fire Mueller. A president next to whom Donald Trump is but an insignificant dust mote. I am speaking, obviously, of James K. Polk.
Never forget Ray Chapman! The baseballs may have started this war, but us humans are gonna win!
That diehard 7% of Blago supporters still likes to send the occasional letter to the local papers crying about how an innocent man was sent to jail. Kinda funny, actually.