I was somewhat antagonistic in my initial comment to you in this thread, and I’d like to withdraw that sentiment. I feel like you’ve made a legitimate effort to see my point of view, and I appreciate that. I apologize for being a bit of a jerk.
I was somewhat antagonistic in my initial comment to you in this thread, and I’d like to withdraw that sentiment. I feel like you’ve made a legitimate effort to see my point of view, and I appreciate that. I apologize for being a bit of a jerk.
I think the Washington Post, NY Times and other national media outlets are devoting far more resources to ferreting out the truth about Trump than the Michigan newspapers and TV stations could ever devote to Snyder. Also, I expect that at some point Snyder stopped adding fuel to the fire, while Trump will never stop.…
Oh, I don’t think they care one whit about his illegal and immoral actions. If they abandon him, it’ll be for their own perverse reasons, cloaked in an apparent sudden realization that This Time He Crossed The Line.
His status has been downgraded to “dead,” but we’re optimistic he’ll be back by the end of the season.
Well I’ll give you points for consistency, anytime someone expresses hope that there’s a path to Trump’s removal, you’re there to poo-poo it and anoint yourself as the voice of reason.
On the other hand, there are these stories that Trump is souring on the AHCA as written, whining that it’s “too mean.” Meanwhile, the extremists in the House Freedom Caucus are only reluctantly backing it as it stands because they want a full repeal of Obamacare, full stop. Any effort to retain any more ACA elements…
So he is lower than Blagojevich? Way to go Gov. Bridgegate!
ACT 1, SCENE 1: A general is contemplating the problem of having too many troops and resources ...
If we ever had a Designated Survivor-type disaster that elevated a cabinet member to the presidency, I believe DeVos is the only one who would be guaranteed to actually be more incompetent than Trump. Which of course means she would be the survivor ...
“How could I obstruct justice? That doesn’t make any sense! I’ve obstructed buildings, I’ve obstructed casinos, I obstructed a beautiful golf course in Scotland, but I never obstructed justice!”
Via Twitter.
I think Rod Blagojevich had a higher approval rating when he was impeached than Christie has right now.
[Don’t feed the trolls]
This is just based on my personal observations, but I have to dispute that “hysterical” is becoming a gender-neutral term. I’d guess that 90% of its uses are still directed at women, and in the cases where it is used against men, I think there’s an intended implication of a lack of manliness.
At some point someone will make him see the light and he’ll apologize and we’ll all move on. But the lingering problem that persists is that well-off liberals like him don’t truly live the lives of the targets of so much violence in this nation, it’s not on his mind on a daily basis like it is for so many people. A…
I would advise anyone wanting to discuss “politically motivated assassinations of politicians” to define their topic as such so as not to foolishly appear to invalidate thousands of incidences of political violence that have targeted marginalized populations.
It’s really easy to comment on the wrong article nowadays, isn’t it? Annoying.
I get the point that Klein was trying to make, the problem is that the point he was trying to make is stupid. Klein’s definition of “political violence” is drawn so narrowly as to be meaningless.
Right-wing rebuttal to your carefully composed and magnificently correct points: