
PetaPixel is reporting that it'll be free until Nov. 16, 2014.

I'm not a huge Starbucks drinker, but outside of cities, there's not much of a choice... Most people have smart phones and those people drink coffee at Starbucks. Starkbucks' quick-pay system has been great and shaves tons of time off of waiting in line. Order, scan, done (if you choose to order an absurd pumpkin

Makes it easier not to shop at these places. Their system(s) will eventually fail. No one will want to download a plethora of apps just to pay individually at each store—it's absurd.

True, I would like retina, but it's not a necessity, at least for my uses.

And they can legally detain you.

I'm still using iPad 1... Pretty much the same thing, but thicker with a non supported OS. Big Deal.

Ebola is not an airborne virus and the chances of anyone in the US coming into physical contact with someone who has flown in from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, or Guinea is highly unlikely (unless they're a first responder). Screening is useless. To stop the "spread," stop the travel. It's that simple. Do not allow

Do you have instructions on how to build this?

Sadly the media, again, has done their job of fear mongering and sensationalizing something that is not remotely in the category of a pandemic threat. I'm much more afraid of drug-resistant bacteria, or a super flu, or imbecile parents not vaccinating their children.

In theory that's a great idea, but Cricket's speeds aren't great compared to AT&T and I prefer fast to slow. I use more Wifi these days so it's not that big of a deal, but regardless, the throttling thing is BS.

I agree. Also, the media "reports," (and I use that word loosely since what the "journalists" do isn't very investigative, more like reading other media from other media and so on), what seems like at least once week for the last several years, that there's a cure for cancer and aids—it's getting tired.

I bought a bunch of different sized, old 'n rusty cast iron skillets in northern Michigan back in '06. I brought them home, removed the rust, seasoned them and they're still my main go-to cookware. (Oh, and I tossed all those crappy teflon and aluminum "cookware things." Nothing is like (properly seasoned) cast

Take that, iPhone.

"Only if you're one of AT&T's remaining Unlimited hold outs and you staunchly refuse to give it up."

I have an unlimited plan, but AT&T sends you a text when you're nearing 3GB telling you you're gonna be throttled if you go over. I'm on Wifi most of the time so I don't care much—I also have about 5000 rollover minutes

I'm sure the American Lung Association makes up facts and posts false information all the time on their site. Do the digging yourself if you're not satisfied with my citations.

Back to my original post: Tar from marijuana use.

Believe whatever you want, however, marijuana smoke definitely has significant tar if smoked from any device—If you think it's the paper from joins that delivers most of the tar, you're being misled.

Smoking three cannabis joints will cause you to inhale the same amount

I have found, that when you're honest with a cop, you have a better chance of getting a warning than a speeding ticket. The driver of the Mustang did everything right.

I bet he needed to ditch his shorts, but not a radio...

Do your research.

There is 4 times as much tar in equal amounts of marijuana vs tobacco. [Source: American Lung Association]

(For the record, I am not against marijuana whether smoked illegally or legally—I do believe it has medicinal properties that of course tobacco (nicotine by itself has medicinal uses) doesn't