
I recently quit smoking cigarettes and I have always loved the people that have said to me in the past: "You should smoke pot, it's a lot less harmful." To which I always answered: "Is that what you know as fact or what you've been mistakenly told? Marijuana usually has far more tar buildup than cigarettes—but I

And what'll be done about it? Likely nothing. :-/

If there was a smart phone, other than iPhone, that synced perfectly with my MacBook, I'd switch... until then... I am locked into Apple's vortex. :-/

I stopped at the beginning of the third paragraph: "So Ronny texted me and informed me that there was a big Hollywood movie filming..." It felt like it was going to be like a long-winded Yelp review. After scrolling to the bottom, I realized it was.

Photosynth is pretty amazing too!

If violent children aren't the product of violent video games, as some video game experts would like you to believe, then "survivor" shows on TV do not create bad survivalists. ;)

I read this article in '05 in Foreign Affairs—still very relevant today and I highly recommend reading it. "The Next Pandemic."

Just like oil wars, there's a solution, but no one wants to invest in it. Ocean water can be desalinated... and in case no one has noticed, there's a lot of ocean water.

I'm not condoning what Saddam Hussein did as being good or acceptable—it wasn't and it should have been dealt with. But with a plan. What GWB did was terrible. He invaded with no exit strategy (his dad GWHB did the same thing over 20 years ago). Dumping 10's of billions of our taxpayer money into what is now

Yes and every time shit like this happens, thay films crosses my mind.

Nice try–that's from 2005 from studies that were performed long before that eas published. In 2013, however, a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found no relationship between the number of vaccines received in a single day or in total by age 2 and

Hate on Saddam Hussein all you want, but that guy kept this from happening.
Thanks, GWB.

A 25–30 second exposure is the standard on the ground too, if you want to avoid startrails.

Last summer, a seemingly "well behaved, brought up in a good home" pit, without provocation, mauled my cousin and her infant daughter. Thankfully, both survived—the dog was put down by the police when they arrived on-scene.

Also, I am pretty sick and tired of the people who post Facebook "stats" and photos of