
I was flying my tiny nano drone at my dad’s house the other day. While trying to show off how high it could fly, it got caught in a cross breeze, and crash landed in his old-lady next door neighbor’s yard. We had to sneak in to her yard and grab the drone before anyone saw. Felt just like a kid again.

did you mean that Sprint was the only US carrier that could seamlessly switch from Wi-Fi to cellular? Or did you mean that Sprint is the only US carrier to offer Wi-Fi calling on iPhones? If the latter, T-Mobile also offers Wi-Fi calling. If the former, then I did not know that.

Boot camp is awesome

For now, yeah, they say they’re working on a Mac version though

So it repelled moisture like water off a ducks back huh? Fancy that...

I used to think it'd be best to just go with the cheapest registrar since they all provide the same basic product, but then stories like yours remind me there's a lot to be said for good service and management tools!

A couple of other tips:

Who will be the first bold capitalist that just stacks their passengers like cordwood?

Arguably, the best poop story ever told. You ma'am deserve The Poopitzer Prize. ;)

I'm in the unique position of not cringing one bit at this. Because as of yet I haven't heard a poop-related hookup story worse than my own.

Geez, in my Army barracks we at least had microwaves.

I can't stop laughing at that first segment. "Like a tiny little tennis ball" OMFG

Mix water and unsweetened coconut milk 1:1 for your rice. You get awesome coconut rice.

I once used the water I boiled hot dogs in, since it was just water I already had at boiling. This was a terrible mistake, never do it.

Try stock/bullion/broth even better than apple juice.

My guess is that speed may have been a driving force behind it in the past, but with all of the recent breaches, and more than likely more to come, security will become the primary selling point. Apple will not even have your card info, unless you're using the card that's already on file with iTunes. If you're not

Modern drug stores are entirely built around the idea of being a quick service store.

Well, digital payment should be more convenient than pulling out and swiping a credit card / bank card, punching buttons, etc.

If I'm CVS I want to take Apple Pay and Google Wallet and all the rest of everything else as well. I want customers to put money as easily as possible into my registers.

You people should watch the 3rd season of HBO's The Wire. About the drug war and the militarization of America's police force. Instead of police walking a beat and interacting with the community. Policing and solders are completely different thing. Soldiers look at everyone as the enemy.