
Last year after coming home from vacation we found one in the pool. Damn kids, stay off my lawn!

The republicans of today make Reagan and Nixon look like liberals—yea it's that bad. :-/
The last time the republicans had a good idea, this guy was President.

Long ago I used to work at EMS in the camping section and I sold packs. Pr0 tip: be sure the pack you buy fits you properly. Meaning, go to a reputable store (REI, EMS, etc.) and have the camping expert measure your torso. Just because you're 6'4" (193cm) doesn't mean you'll be buying an XL or Large pack. Your torso

For Windows only. :-/

I'm with Dotster now and they're just deplorable. Arguably, some of the worst customer service. I imagine Google will likely be much better.

Transferring now.

That's like trying to move 6–12 freight train locomotives without the wheels, rails, or engines: I'd say impossible—or...

AAA is an "old thing," it's a common sense thing.

all-in-one gutters are great, but they do need to be cleaned periodically from build up. Plus, they, like anything else is susceptible to birds or rodents (squirrels included) who tend to bore holes and make nests during dry spells.

good for small jobs or small spaces.

Security isn't moot. ApplePay is much more secure than giving up your bank info. So you're wrong there.

Secondly, as for people in front of me, this isn't just about today and the next year or two, this is developing technology for the future of brick and mortar or even restaurants. How is the technology a gimmick if

At 0.45 seconds, is that Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec? ;)

CurrentC: Open my camera app, focus lens on QR code, photograph QR code, show QR code to cashier, cashier scans QR code from my phone, etc. etc. You're right, CurrentC is a better system. <rolls eyes in disbelief that torchbearer2 believes MCX system is better than say, ApplePay or GoogleWallet>

They're paying for credit card fees anyway. I do not have to use their CurrentC (bad pun btw), I can still use my card. Also, ApplePay whether you like Apple or not (Google uses Google Wallet which is basically the same thing), Apple and Google's system is MUCH better and easier and MUCH more secure. How many people

Arguably, the best poop story ever told. You ma'am deserve The Poopitzer Prize. ;)

The incentive is: My information stays with me and I don't have to hand it over/enter it into several different apps for several different stores—That's the incentive.

CVS has incentives, sure. I buy something that says "SALE" which means it actually isn't on sale, but if I buy the product using my CVS card, I get a

I've never heard of a company that doesn't want your money, especially WalMart. WalMart sells iPhones, iPads, iPods, TVs, and Apple adaptors. So does BestBuy, BestBuy also sells Macs. Perhaps Apple should just pull their products from the Walmart/BestBuy shelves. It may not be the best idea, but Apple has more weight

Prediction (sadly the truth): politicians will condemn this tragedy, the media will hype it up, people will talk about gun control, and nothing will move forward. Repeat.

Rest Peacefully.

People as a whole, are idiots. I choose to ignore them.

It's fairly new technology, I don't expect everyone to have while I am waiting in line, but eventually people will see its beneficial use and overtime, people will adapt. I think stores will also begin having lines that are Pay With Your Phone lines (will it happen overnight, certainly not, but it will happen).

I think

I've been to CVS all over the US, with the exceptions of large cities, they're all approx. the same size: not Supermarket size that's for sure.