
Last year after coming home from vacation we found one in the pool. Damn kids, stay off my lawn!

For Windows only. :-/

I'm with Dotster now and they're just deplorable. Arguably, some of the worst customer service. I imagine Google will likely be much better.

Transferring now.

all-in-one gutters are great, but they do need to be cleaned periodically from build up. Plus, they, like anything else is susceptible to birds or rodents (squirrels included) who tend to bore holes and make nests during dry spells.

good for small jobs or small spaces.

At 0.45 seconds, is that Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec? ;)

Arguably, the best poop story ever told. You ma'am deserve The Poopitzer Prize. ;)

Prediction (sadly the truth): politicians will condemn this tragedy, the media will hype it up, people will talk about gun control, and nothing will move forward. Repeat.

Rest Peacefully.

People as a whole, are idiots. I choose to ignore them.

And they can legally detain you.

Do you have instructions on how to build this?

I have found, that when you're honest with a cop, you have a better chance of getting a warning than a speeding ticket. The driver of the Mustang did everything right.

I bet he needed to ditch his shorts, but not a radio...

I stopped at the beginning of the third paragraph: "So Ronny texted me and informed me that there was a big Hollywood movie filming..." It felt like it was going to be like a long-winded Yelp review. After scrolling to the bottom, I realized it was.

Last summer, a seemingly "well behaved, brought up in a good home" pit, without provocation, mauled my cousin and her infant daughter. Thankfully, both survived—the dog was put down by the police when they arrived on-scene.

Also, I am pretty sick and tired of the people who post Facebook "stats" and photos of

I always go back to the native Mail app on iPhone. I have tried Mailbox, Google, and Sparrow and still find them all eventually lacking. Can anyone recommend a good mail app?