
"To add insult to injury, the code talkers got no public recognition until 1968."

The Navajo Code <u>Talkers</u> weren't recognized until 1968 for a crucial reason: The operation was classified until then. Does classified information hold no value these days?


Gee thanks, Captain Obvious...

good. chat within the app stinks. either way, I am using an iPhone 4 and everything is super slow so I usually just wait till I get to my laptop anyway.

I save articles with Pocket. It's the best app of its kind I have found.

What about speed? Closing apps helps speed, no?

those are some peculiar coordinates.

Not really related, but caffeine can cause headache and also take them away. This is great, great news!

The bible thumpers only use the bible for personal agendas, usually pertaining to hatred. If they were truly religious, they'd have sacrificed they'd have sold their daughters into slavery, but I digress.

But 3-year-olds can't drive. ;)

You don't find it a complete coincidence that the head of the FDA is a former Monsanto CEO? Can that be why GMOs were legalized in 1996 in the US and no where else?

"To check. Much like they did for GMOs. 'So far so good with them.'"

Great suggestion. Zipping is the only way to go.

The ruse is just that... Looking for something that isn't there, but perhaps somewhere else.