And still, this Photoshop rendering or retouch looks like the antenna is at the bottom—more crap for people to complain about the famed alleged "death grip."
And still, this Photoshop rendering or retouch looks like the antenna is at the bottom—more crap for people to complain about the famed alleged "death grip."
And still, it looks like the antenna is at the bottom—more crap for people to complain about the famed alleged "death grip."
Looks like a 3GS. Lame.
This guy always cracks me up!
Lindberg doesn't want to spend any money on it "since it might be nothing"...
the best thing for your body during this hot weather is water, food, and taking it easy.
There's a lot that Facebook needs to change to improve their design, this isn't that bad, but still sucks.
I thought it was law that all filling stations in the United States have a fire suppression system, mainly CO2 sprayers like this one: [] in case of fire.
A few years ago I was hired by a not-so-pretty person to photograph and then heavily retouch photos for use on a dating site. The money was good and the results were A+, but the person, in my opinion, misled her "dates."
Bottom line, when you're in the woods, use the woods, not the water.
Now only if we can train them to put this much effort into finding jobs.
Has anyone seen this gem? I love how the guy just casually walks away like nothing happened.
That's pretty awesome!
Would love to see a review of this product on Giz. Doesn't look too bad, but the 90º camera port hole doesn't look promising.
There's a lot of tech they use that was used in the late 90s and isn't used by anyone anymore. The photo upload page, adding attachments to facebook email, not having the ability to unsubscribe to each (not all) message/update, is a joke... There have been updates, but only basic design UI updates and those are just…
Reminds me of that million dollar Peter Lik photo which looks like an impressionist painting from New Hampshire: Surreal!
Using a ultra-soft white CFL you can mimic the effects of a traditional amber incandescent Using the "fluorescent" color is not good for home ambiance.) The problem with CFL's is they're highly toxic if/when broken since many of them contain mercury.
Would naming your baby the namesake of a company be copyright infringement?