I just plagiarized er, I mean stole the Twirlr idea and I'm now I'm making zillions, I even won an award!—and you can too... Make up to $5,000,000.00 a day doing nothing but eat Tubs of Lard™ on your couch while watching TMZ.
I just plagiarized er, I mean stole the Twirlr idea and I'm now I'm making zillions, I even won an award!—and you can too... Make up to $5,000,000.00 a day doing nothing but eat Tubs of Lard™ on your couch while watching TMZ.
not sure what SiM this is, but x-plane is a blast!
Very modest and presidential. I like it.
In other news, Earlier this week, a senior Al Qaeda™ executive, Khaled al-Qahtani, surrendered to the Saudi Arabian government—he was sitting pool-side, vacationing in Yemen when the news of CEO Osama bin Laden's death killing was announced to the world. He decided to call it quits when it was brought to his attention…
"When you're finished, bring your image to life by selecting Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen."
There are a few companies with great customer service with little wait times:
Perhaps this is a way to curtail rumors of a new release by saying nothing is coming out—thereby making people think that, well, nothing is coming out when it actually is—hmm.... seems over-the-top, or maybe a delayed April Fool's joke...
Spring had decent range and service rarely dropped. It was decent in cities and rural areas. However, their customer service was so atrocious, I would NEVER go back to them as my carrier. They are terrible with any sort of common sense on how to treat the consumer.
I didn't get my 1000 free minutes yet :( I would rather have a 1000 free minutes of no dropped calls. ;)
Is the cameraman drunk? With his shakiness, I can only see his inability to hold a camera and a pint of schnapps steadily.
living in nyc, thankfully, even though i have had the unlimited from the start, i use wifi whenever i can.
@gizgizgiz: I disagree. There are ways to make your profile secure enough that only friends can see your goods. For instance, to stay private and to secure your vital information, not having your place of work, current city, hometown, birthday, etc; using just your name and photos (no tags) etc keeps you zipped up…
Faux-tilt shift works best when you have good shadows in your image.
For those (most) of us who are picky about privacy and security, this isn't such a great idea at all.
I like this video about pennies: [www.youtube.com]
also $1000 reward? For the alleged cure for cancer?
Really? Not one backup? Nothing? I do not believe it for one second.
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: I'm not saying you get spam in your inbox, I am saying there is a flaw in the Hotmail security system that allows spam to be send to your friends' email addresses from your account.
@heckler95: I agree. I believe this was created in photoshop. I could easily create a huge DoF (in photoshop.)