
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: Hotmail doesn't work perfectly. I can't tell you how many spam emails I get from friends on a daily basis that they didn't send. Why not switch to a more steamlined email client like Gmail with no known issues.

How was this photo acquired? I'm curious to the glass used, settings, and of course if photoshop played any part in it (and no, I do not mean color balance.)

A Hotmail account is akin to AOL. Who are these people?

i was up and got some amazing photos!

A level is more important than a saw.

break a leg!

@starspider: Never mind the helluva-lot-more-intense cancer-beams coming from your cell phone 24/7.

The problem I have with the white iPhone is this: White iPhone 3G has a white back and black front. The white iPhone 4 has a white back and a white front which to me, would be insanely distracting—also, it looks lame.

Here's a "novel" idea, read a book.

@starspider: I don't disagree with what Israel does. In fact, I praise it.

porn to obesity

These protests are baseless. The scanners are from the neck down (no faces). No single individual can be ID'ed (via the internet if the photos are uploaded, which by the way, is extreme paranoia.) Millions of people go through them everyday and with no issues and friendly service.

@starspider: Did you read anything I wrote above? It's not possible. They deal with one major airport. We deal with hundreds, if not thousands.

@mltdwn: I agree. We should do as the Israelis do. However, you're speaking of a country that is roughly the size of New Jersey. To do the same here, with all that personnel would be more expensive than any other security measure we currently have.

All this bitching and moaning... Can anyone can come up with a better solution to body scanners?

@GetSomeMore: they sign into facebook and use FB as their email client instead of just using gmail/yahoo to send it direct.

I have an original floppy for Photoshop 1.0

I'm pretty sure the wheel has already been invented.

most people email from facebook anyway...

@shufflemoomin: Not exactly true. Road tolls in Spain are expensive, but much cheaper than Italian or German roads. They all differ.