This kind of State action creates a huge First Amendment problem.
This kind of State action creates a huge First Amendment problem.
How far did he punt that player?
Andy Reid did that all the time. In fact, he used to do three shows a day, until that stupid Blackfish documentary made everyone all uppity about it.
Isn't Donald Sterling mostly known for being a racist?
Why is she freaking out like this? Her baby brother's already ugly.
With all due respect, Tom, I think we can all agree that the best inning a pitcher can have is when his first pitch sails into the stands and kills Mike Lupica.
The idea of leveling in an NFLPA licensed football game is intriguing, but how much is the fine?
Remember that it's just "Krewski" with a "zyz."
I bet you Jeter's kids will give him a "World's Greatest Dad" mug every year, despite the overwhelming evidence that he's not even in the top 10 greatest dads.
Seems more fitting now than ever that Blake's tennis hero is Arthur Ash.
@TheRealJRSmith You tryin to get the pie?
Ware he finally lands has yet tibiannounced.
Update: the shoe has been given back to its rightful owner. Turns out this was all a hilarious "prank" by a local radio station, just trying to gin up their ratings with a lame heel 'turn.
Yay, another pun. The lowest form of humor.
Old versions of Madden were so inaccurate - Donte Stallworth was not #36
The St. Paul Tribune reported the coach was popped by pop; the Atlanta Journal-Constitution claimed he was conked by Coke; the Melbourne Herald Sun declared he was socked with a soft drink; and the New York Post said he was assaulted by a dark-skinned youth wielding a knife.
...the nerve to try and task my wife to help fix this abortion
To: [redacted]