Personally, I think it's great that he's thinking outside of the box, but we will see what Papi has to say...
Personally, I think it's great that he's thinking outside of the box, but we will see what Papi has to say...
Juice Almighty
Sanchez, of course, got both May/December.
Dolan's inability to make eye contact was also one of the main reasons Tracy McGrady left for Detroit after the 2010 season.
They did this once in Chicago too, but most people felt it was in bad taste when Ron Santo was used as the measuring stick for anything under two feet.
Just like Deadspin to tear down a guy like Jones. You guys are always looking for the fault in our stars.
I can't tell this guy what to do, but maybe he should have a conversation with some of the Colts' higher-ups. Word on the street is that Jim Irsay has both money AND a very particular set of pills.
This is ridiculous. God clearly plays in the NFC East, as evidenced by his constant smiting of Philly's teams.
At this point, I've had it with the American versions of British shows. I didn't even think Peaky Blinders was that good to begin with.
Just to get out in front of anything that might happen during the game, league officials have stated that any player attempting a snow-related celebration will be flagged - and fined - for excessive Tauntaun.
Days of Thundering Headaches
If rape culture and sneaker sales were really that intertwined, wouldn't Vans have more cross-over appeal?
I assume the kid will eventually give it up. You take too many penalty minutes, you're gonna be McSorely before too long.
I don't know what's wrong with the Cameron student body. If we had a quarterback like this guy back in high school, I'm pretty sure we would have had Marfans come out to our games.
Remember the Right Thumbs
Yea, but the ad they ran in Buttland is so much better.
Heh. +1
I play in a men's baseball league in NYC. Three years ago, we had a playoff game in some awful field in Canarsie. During warmups, one of our players stepped in a hole in the outfield, so a bunch of us ran out to see how he was and if the hole would be a problem for the right fielder once we started the game.