Ectoparasitic Infestation

Or you know... You can think about the horizon.

Cool Story Bro: Was at a Bed Bath and Beyond in Houston several years ago, and out of the corner of my eye, this ball goes bouncing down the aisle, quickly followed by what I could only assume at the time was an alien spacecraft, a giant silvery blur. A few seconds later, Dikembe comes strolling back, ball in hand in

In my interview Jacob said the word “cospital” for a repair station and it’s just the best word I’ve heard all year.

Blisters are part of the experience.

Blisters are part of the experience.

And despite all the wear and tear from all those years of use and abuse, it still works.

Haha! Spawn.

Not filled with sand. Filled with ball bearings and pits for them to fall into.

I have no idea when I’d ever use this. That’s why I’ll only buy two.

Whereas if you tried that in Skyrim, the linen rolls would all of a sudden do about 50 points of damage each and rocket around the room like shrapnel. /sigh

Seriously, they were seen arguing over dinner? If there was a story for every time my husband and I fought over dinner? There would be nothing but stories about us fighting in the news. As I read that, I thought “and then?” So, they fought, but did she set his car on fire or slap him in the face and throw her drink at

Honestly, if there were a gossip item every time my husband and I had words... well I wouldn’t need to release a visual album is all I’m saying. Couples have spats. The idea that every argument is a divorce in the making is NON. SENSE.

Other woman is a Time Travelling Jennifer Lawrence.

Nomaaaaaaarrr. and some chick

I’m honestly just impressed you managed to avoid saying “kill you’reself”

I disagree, especially when a chunk of hearthstone cards focus on rng, id rather the cards rotate out of the challenge mode similar to how magic has standard blocks.

6 months from now, a newbie logs into the game: “Woo! Bload-soaked orgy of death starts now!”

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

Click on the idiots profile and the "yuck" is explained in context to his discussions. Dude’s a troll. Mostly racist shit vs black people.