Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Yeah, that Tyler Breeze grandstanding is like the tip of the holier-than-thou iceberg. First you apologize, then you apologize for the apology, then you have to apologize for how you apologized about the apology because you didn’t “make it positive” enough.

Dave deserved to get shit on (which he notes several times) but I think the issue is he’s now a victim of 2018's favorite pass time: GET PISSED OFF AND SUPER OUTRAGED with bile and fury before moving on to the next thing to get SO OUTRAGED about.

When I, a Canadian see this stuff... wow.  No healthcare or education, but damn, you guys rule at Football and War.

In related news, Dan Synder’s first name is actually pronounced “Fuckhead”

Whenever I read or hear stories about people breaking bones or dislocating things, I think to myself “ouch, that would suck.” But when I hear a story about someone ripping a toenail or fingernail off I think to myself, “Oh shit, end it all now!”

I’m a Bears fan who was more or less a Jay apologist and that clip shown here about him finally learning oral sex for Kristen slayed me.

Who was the last team that the Cleveland Browns actually won a game against?

Obligatory peppermint roll.

Some people are fans of the Los Angeles Chargers.

It looks to me like he just realized he was out of Camel Unfiltereds, and now has to decide which is a worse option: stay at home w/ no smokes, or actually have to venture out into the world.

Based on nothing but sheer guess work, I’m PRETTY sure Cutler would be okay if his kids died. His sole responsibility most days seems to be picking them up from school and he probably wants that 30 minutes back, so bad.

That second gif ... he looks like he just finished breaking down after finding out a close relative died and is trying to get his shit together.

there is something truly, deeply funny about the Chargers moving to LA, expecting to be the hip, new cool kid and then getting blasted off the face of the Earth by the Rams—a cooler team playing in a better venue--almost immediately. They were tired of being also-rans in the second-city in the SoCal market, so they

The show is VERY bad (they tend to focus a lot on the drama around Kristen’s “work”) but the bits with Jay Cutler are fan-fucking-tastic. If you don’t want to watch 35 minutes of trash read the recaps on The Ringer. I mean this is his reaction whenever he’s asked to do ANYTHING!

Dean Spanos is basically James Dolan without a guitar and yet is somehow a bigger dipshit.

I hope you’re not overselling this, because I’m intrigued.

I will say this. The greatest contribution Philip Rivers did as a QB and as a human being is be a real life version of animated Megaman

The question of Phillip Rivers retiring to be a shitty dad/husband does spark a question which is, HAS ANYONE WATCHED JAY FUCKING CUTLER ON VERY CAVELARI?!

HOLY SHIT! I have never seen a couple that seem to openly resent each other as much as Jay and Kristen. At ALL times seems like she’s minutes away from poisoning

It wouldn’t have surprised me if Drew had simply forgotten to do one of these for the Chargers. Would anybody have noticed?

I get better vibes walking past Sharon Tate’s old house.