Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Any movie with a Kurt Vonnegut cameo is an instant classic.

Back to School is a much better movie than it should be. Dangerfield really elevates that movie past what should have been a cheap Animal House with an old guy. 

This is how I feel about the Marvel movies. I know they spend endless time and money on the action sequences but as far as action scenes, all I ever really want to see is people doing parcour. It looks cool and mostly it’s down to stunt people being amazing, whereas, with a few rare exceptions, car chases are so

“It’s definitely not a good movie, and I’m not even sure it’s a movie I’m particularly fond of.”

Yeah but, TLJ didn’t undo anything established in the first movie. Perhaphs with exception of Hux who turned to be more cartoonish, although he’s a small character. Meanwhile JJ Abrams changed Poe’s personality with no explanation, removed Rey’s biggest flaws (lying to herself about her parents being good people),

Nah fam. Goldeneye shits all over the rest of the Brosnan outings. And it’s not close, honestly.

It never occurred to me that someone could read the redemption of Darth Vader as a bad narrative decision. It’s so fundamental to the movies, obviously more so after the prequels, that I can’t register it as poor storytelling.

The Star Wars movies exist in Elliot’s world. He’s got the toys and Michael does the Yoda voice.  But the SW universe also exists, because ET recognizes Yoda when they’re trick-or-treating.  So I like to imagine that 17 years later, when he goes to see the midnight opening of The Phantom Menace and sees ET’s species

“It was also wisely cast with a lot of good character actors with interesting faces”

I think people took to the movie because it was a modest, unassuming little film that hadn’t been run through the studio homogenizer. It didn’t have the wittiest script but it was sweet and sincere, two qualities that are very rare these days. It was also wisely cast with a lot of good character actors with

I get why we shit on the Cars sequels but people seem to forget how terrible the Good Dinosaur is.  Like the Cars movies are bad for Pixar, which means that even they have at least some watchable moments.  The Good Dinosaur feels like dark ages Disney or some crap Dreamworks put out between Minions sequels

Nemo might have started out A Line but they switched it to B Line when they discovered how merchandise-able it was.*

This film is just such an outstanding explosion of creativity and imagination, even compared to Star Wars, especially compared to every other Star Wars movie created since. I’m showing my age, perhaps, but I feel like it’s the best looking Star Wars- on the cusp of the 70's/80's divide so that it retains some of that

And here we go. Spielberg is sitting down in the director’s chair and we’re firmly entering the era of the culture-swallowing blockbuster.

I’ve rubbed elbows with a few people in the business and that is pretty much what I heard. I’d also add that way too many people in the business are just sausage makers at heart and are weirdly easily satisfied with their work and that of their peers. They (and directors and producers) seem very content to just crank

Ford has always been a journeyman actor. Movie acting is a ‘job’ for him. He never had the pretensions of doing high art. Most of Star Wars for Ford involved doing nonsensical dialog with a tall guy in a suit made of wigs.

I’m a little confused why they didn’t hire a real dog for the scenes where he interacts with people and then make a CGI dog for the scenes where he doesn’t. You don’t really need a CGI dog for the whole movie - it’s not like he’s Gollum. 

This review repeatedly describes it as “Photorealistic” but that’s absolutely not what’s going on in the promo stills.

I think it might be the opposite thing happening. The animators are using professional reference monitors that cost upwards of $10 grand and have stupidly accurate colors and refresh rates. So their versions probably look amazing before they get slapped into a digital projector or a screenshot on a normal screen.

They had a really cool opportunity to go into the Yukon with a real dog and do a very good realistic version of this story but instead Disney chose the more expensive, soulless option