Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Henry Hill never worked, came and go as he pleased, did not have to partake in the worst part of being a gangster (commit murder), slept around, partied day and night, did not have to parent his kids, etc, etc...his life was pretty good. Add to him not having near the stress and responsibility that Scarface had, and

“Unless you want to get cute and cite something like E.T. or Mrs. Doubtfire, there aren’t a lot of movies about divorce.”

If you happen to choke on the meal, El Camino Real will offer you a settlement to drop charges against them.

If you think the evidence is mostly from nutjobs, I suggest you watch his other documentaries. If you have Amazon Prime they are free to watch. He interviews high level military officials that have corroborated stories with other high level military officials. These people aren’t prone to want to even talk about this

“The ‘evidence’ so far is mostly from nutjobs.”

This is a Eurocentric view. Just because the natives didn’t have the same tech as Europeans does not mean they were primitive.

Something Wild bad? In what universe? OMG — Melanie in that black bob and then the blond short hair at the reunion dance, I was smitten. Granted it was very formulaic but I fell deep for Melanie.

Also - the character can just be Scottish! Like, it doesn’t drastically change the movie if Mike is a Scottish dude instead of an American. It’s two lines of dialogue.

I think it gets a lot of flack, not entirely undeserved, for it not being just fat jokes but Paltrow-in-a-fat-suit making those jokes — Jack Black can be a straight up chubby dude but they bring in a skinny woman for his love interest and make her fat. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the movie but I thought it

A tip o’ the bowler to this column. As I’m not much of a rom-com fan I didn’t pay it much attention at first but I clicked on a couple of them and it’s given me new appreciation for the genre. As with A History of Violence and Popcorn Champs, I like this long-form journalism approach to these flicks. 

IMHO, Damien Lewis is absolutely terrible at faking an American/NYC accent in Billions. Plus, his mouth does distracting gymnastics while he’s trying to do it, lol.

I’d add Minnie Driver near the top of the list.

ah, Gerard Butler - this close to being Bond, instead he had a career of terrible rom-coms and various Fallen codenames.

If there was a return to Coruscant, people would respond with “so lazy, it’s a large galaxy, show us something new.”

Holocrons are still a thing in Clone Wars so it made no sense lore wise to call them “Wayfinders”.

This “Tor Valum” character woudl kind of negate the “Rule of Two” thing.... But other than that this sounds waaaaaaay fucking better. And I hate saying that because I think Treverrow is not a good director.

Sith Holocron would have been awesome. I would love to see them bring in the EU stuff - like how the holocron is

But only one went out of its way to be crowd-pleasing and “uncontroversial” at the expense of characterisation, narrative and internal logic.

The most disheartening thing about the post-ROS discourse is the fans coming out of the woodwork to say “it was always dumb entertainment!

How long does it take to establish a lightsaber?