Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Hamilton’s right, but it’s not going to matter. Trump winning in 2016 broke a decent chunk of people on the left* and it can’t be fixed. Same way a generation was traumatized by the 1972 election. Every single race for the rest of their lives is going to be viewed through the prism of “who could have out-Trumped Trump

I’d take Olbermann over Avenetti any day.

They’ve bought the bullshit that wealth = virtue and hope to be that good and rich themselves some day, because they deserve it too. They hate all the right people, etc. Disgusting MAGAts.

The media didnt help the situation at all, but the GOP is fully to blame for creating their hateful base. Its their frothing dumbassed racist voters that picked this jackass, not the media.

Just playing Devil’s Advocate here, but while I wholeheartedly agree that Michael Avenatti should not be a Presidential forerunner, the current state of affairs shows that the Democratic party has gone absolutely nowhere by reserving their counter-banter for when Republicans start playing nice. We’re at a point in

Go into a room of any member of the GOP, or a neo-liberal, and explain that trickle down does not work. Then explain to them that we are still (through our various tax cuts over the last two decades, the repeal of Glass-Steagall, etc.) using trickle down by a different name.

It’s especially infuriating when so many of them are absolutely fucking terrible at their jobs.

Revolution isn’t coming.  Because too many Americans envy these CEOs and think that they’ll either become one, or at least become the friend of one.  They’ll be tasting those sweet double-comma bonuses in no time. 

Kid phenom hits 3 fastballs into the seats to open 3 consecutive games against the Marlins...Urena throws his fastest opening pitch of his career into Acuna’s center of mass...but let’s keep asking if there was intent...

who led the league with 14 hit batters last season, and who has already hit 11 batters this season

I believe by the unwritten rules of baseball Acuna’s family can now claim two goats and a hogshead of mead as restitution. That or burn down Urena’s village, hard to tell when the rules are unwritten.

Baseball should suspend Hernandez.

I think it was completely accidental. Saying Urena hit Acuna on purpose would imply the Marlins had an actual plan in place.

If only there was a way to walk a player you’re too scared to face without hitting them....if only...

‘Quite, and if you’re going to describe him in any way it should be as Brock Sampson The Tick.’

I have never quite figured out why Napoleon Dynamite is such a big deal... I recently watched the movie again hoping to understand what I missed and, honestly, found it just as insufferable as I did the first time I saw it. Maybe the humor isn’t for me or something but it seems like it’s just not very good. Which

It’s always amusing to hear him lament about how he everyone seemingly has a deal with Netflix, and the only one he can get is his monthly subscription.

I wish Kevin Smith had a crystal ball and could have waited to release Clerks in the Netflix or Adult Swim Era. We’d be on Season 14 with only a handful of episodes each season, but that deserved to live. The best was the “clip show” from the second episode.