Ah Jeez! Put up a trigger warning will ya? That’s fucking disgusting.
Ah Jeez! Put up a trigger warning will ya? That’s fucking disgusting.
Not cool! I was eating lunch... How about a little warning before popping JPP’s disgusting, mangled sausage hand in there?
There should never be a redemption narrative for Jameis. What he did is disgusting and unforgivable. And I can’t believe you posted the video of it.
Yeah, it matters who the white folk are giving to, as well. It’s great if it’s a charity or medical research or a scholarship or a church doing real good; if it’s to Joel Osteen so he can put a new luxury box in his “church” then it shouldn’t count.
Only if you don’t think it’s meaningful that non-whites have almost no expendable capital, and yet they manage to give away a greater percentage of what they do have.
See, that’s just the kind of self destructive behavior people talk about when they say there’s a problem with black culture. Just giving away almost 10% of your wealth to improve your communities and help others? Who does that?
Knowing my parents, they give to their church... which then spends $15 million on a new church.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read here all day, and that’s really saying something. So despite it making almost $900 million at the box office alone, Disney thought (fart noise!) GOTG2 was bad, so in response, they greenlighted a third, gave it a release date, and let Gunn write the script? That’s why the Guardians…
On the other hand, let alt right rape apologist racist Nazi shitheads bitch and moan all they want. Ignore their sabotage. Cernovich thinks it isn’t rape unless the woman fights you off. He helped create Pizzagate before he popularized this. Don’t give in to monsters trying to excuse their own horrific behavior. They…
The funny thing is that nobody except those on the far right even knew about this until they fired Gunn, making it a much bigger story. None of the pop culture sites I frequent, like EW or Vulture, said anything about it. If Disney had waited like a day or two then nobody would have cared. Now they have a potential…
I’m creating a petition for Batista to leave GotG and just make a movie where it’s just him punching a sea of Nazis. Also, it’s not just a movie, it’s a documentary.
I love that, in trying to avoid controversy, Disney created an even bigger clusterfuck. Maybe don’t listen to disingenuous alt-right shitheads next time. Their opinions are trash.
Kobach: “Fellow Klansme- Kansans”
“He’s stupider than we are!”
You jest but republican voters would eat that shit up.
Can’t wait for his campaign ads.
Kris Kobach for Kansas.