As a Jets fan, I’m often asked what team I hate the most. Is it the Patriots? The Dolphins? The Giants?
As a Jets fan, I’m often asked what team I hate the most. Is it the Patriots? The Dolphins? The Giants?
Whenever you feel lousy about something your team did, just watch this:
“I push out more wax than a Martin Lawrence earlobe / I’ll rock forever - or at least ‘til the JETS win the Super Bowl”
No, she isn’t.
Part of the problem if the echo chamber. Twenty years ago, we all sat down at 7PM local and watched one of three news broadcasts that differed in style, but not really substance. There was a common language for what was happening in the world. When CNN kicked off 24 hour news, things changed as it allowed for deeper…
It’s not just his followers, it’s the GOP as a whole.
It’s not like the people who believed in Pizza Gate, or that President Obama was secretly born in Kenya went away.
And when a Charlie Hebdo like massacre happens, I have no doubt that Trump and the GOP will realize with horror how far they’ve let the ‘fake news, enemy of the people narrative’ spiral out of control, they will immediately take drastic steps to reign in the culture of hate and violence towards journalists they’ve…
HamNo, you are not seeing the full picture. This is AMERICA, a LOT of people are going to get killed, probably at the same time.
Trump supporters would rather be told outright lies by their leader than support a healthcare plan that would actually help them and was proposed by a black man.
Let’s use this opportunity to dust off this gem:
I was really concerned that I walked into this trap.
The more Disney defends firing James Gunn, the more they give Alt-Right Twitter legitimacy.
Like, those Nazi fucks would totally argue that “rape jokes don’t make you a rapist” (note: Cernovich is definitely a rapist, tho) and I would agree with that too. Rape jokes and pedophilia jokes are both gross and pretty much shouldn’t be made unless you got a real good angle at it, but still, one does not imply the…
I would pay a large amount of money to see professional martial artist and large man Dave Bautista smack Cernovich and Probosiec’s heads together like a couple of fascist coconuts.
Reminds me of a key line from “The Thin Blue Line,” one of the seminal films about the miscarriage of justice. “It takes a good prosecutor to convict a guilty man; it takes a great prosecutor to convict an innocent one.”
Hoo boy. I’ll be watching this one, and none of it will surprise me, but it’ll make me sad (and angry), I know it already.
In his defense, if my teenage past were to resurface, I would have t...oh wait, I’ve never been a racist scumbag. Nevermind.