Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Marvin Harrison is my #2 all time on my list of “Good guy” athletes who turned out to be not good guys. OJ is still the king, but Harrison has put up quite a body of work.

“Who’s Brandon Stokely?” - Brandon Stokely

This really perpetuates the notion that while Terrell Owens and Randy Moss got all the press about their character concerns, the real bad dude was meek quiet Marvin Harrison.

Good for the cameraman. I heard Bel Air is nice this time of year.

When I have to have a difficult conversation with a family member or co-worker I find having something to do with my hands helpful. Some people use a fidget spinner- I clean my guns.

“Terez Owens could play a little himself back in the day.”

Made $68 million dollars in a 13 year span... Still will come after you with a bat if you owe him money. That’s something.

This is off-topic, but it just dawned on me that Klay Thompson perpetually looks like an NBA 2K version of Klay Thompson.

My movie collection must be that rare beast that somehow the discs do not get dusty in their cases.

Oh my god it’s a contrarian. On the internet of all places! We are all truly humbled by your bravery.

Deep Inside <insert pornstar name here>

This is the correct take and nothing more needs to be said.

Seems like you’re angry about something else, friend. You realize you can just continue to not buy dvd’s, right?

If someone told me to watch something on a CD then I, too, would throw it in the trash.

Last time I held a CD? Last week.

Thanks for a tiny bit of Rockies coverage, but you missed the story from the night before. Jenny Cavnar became the first woman to call play-by-play for an MLB TV broadcast. Just a heads up, because I never would have seen that story if it weren’t in my market.

Speaking as a Boston fan, this was a super egregious blown call and the Bucks have every right to be bitchy about it. I don’t think they’d have won anyway, but that’s not really the point.

That’s an unimaginably bad call. Like most basketball missed calls can be chalked up to fast action and big men but here they literally had a horn telling them and they straight up ignored it.

sometimes when you see a dong like that, all you can do is stare