In November of last year, I opened the front door to my house without any shoes on—as I had done probably thousands of times in my life— and somehow the door caught my big toe at just the right angle that it completely ripped the nail from the toe.
In November of last year, I opened the front door to my house without any shoes on—as I had done probably thousands of times in my life— and somehow the door caught my big toe at just the right angle that it completely ripped the nail from the toe.
You and your steakhouse are far bigger douchebags than the customers paying you to do your job, which is, you know, to prepare the food the way they like it.
But the customer is the “customer.” They’re being paid to “cow” to the customer. That dude and his restaurant are far more reprehensible than any person who orders a well-done aged rib-eye.
One of the cool things about it was that even though it had celebrities and professional athletes, all the competitors had actual jobs outside of training for Ninja Warrior and it had this feeling that these were just normal, extremely fit people who had typical, relatable lives. As is typical, the American version…
Sarah Jeong’s tweeets were not racist. If you don’t understand that, then there’s no reason to have a conversation with you.
White people are so sensitive....
The issue is if one calls one’s self a “Christian” one is supposed to adhere to the new “Covenant” as instituted/implemented by the appearance of Jesus. This new covenant between man and God is summed up with the Sermon on the Mount— “Blessed be the meek, blessed be the peacemakers, etc.”— which, in Christ’s defense…
Yeah, definitely. One of the nice things about Pueblo is that you can go enjoy the perks of places like Colorado Springs and Denver without having to actually live (and pay to live) there. You’re also within driving distance to all of Colorado’s other amenities.
It is and I live there now.
I mean, yeah, I liked Fury Road. I like pretty much everything about that movie. But it probably doesn’t even crack my 10 of best action films and I keep wondering why people act like it’s the be all, end all of the entire genre.
Ben McAdoo looks like he’s running for a state house seat in Alabama.
I think he’s insane, but I do think much of what he’s doing is simply to give “thuh baise” their talking points, and hope it convinces enough people who aren’t really paying attention.
I can guarantee you that, to some extent, this wasn’t “bungled.” Somebody told somebody to tell somebody to cover the story that “medicare will cost trillions. WITH A T.”
I can see that. Those are good points. None of that stuff even registered with me as a child, though. Interesting how we all pick up on different elements of things.
Yeah, that’s true. Slow-Poke Rodriguez can be pretty problematic, for example.
I was actually going to comment that ranking Speedy Gonzalez last is more racist than the character itself.
1. He did not outplay Lebron in the most recent finals. Also pretty easy to “outplay” a player when you have three other all-stars on your team and bench guys like Livingston and Swaggy P could conceivably start for half the teams in the league. And the player you’re “outperforming” has the scrap-heap remnants of…
I didn’t say her wasn’t a great basketball player. I said he was soft. He took the Warriors to game 7 and instead of trying to climb that mountain, he just took a helicopter ride to the top.
I mean, maybe, but... he can just go sign with the Warriors next year and then what’s Durant going to say?
I remember several years ago when deadspin ran a piece about how Durant was a phony “nice” guy and half of the commentariat lost their shit about it.