Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Eh. All the shitty fans have long since stopped paying attention.

Yeahhhh. The entire country was sort of built on a bunch of terrible shit. Slavery. Genocide. Unregulated child labor and old school forms of human trafficking. The list goes on and on. Trump is the literal manifestation of all that karma coalescing into physical form. He literally represents everything bad and wrong

Bill James had written about this a few years ago. I’ve been all for it ever since.

Democratic party knew exactly what it was doing. They willingly and knowingly played this game too.

This was always my problem with the Nolan Batfilms. They want it both ways, to be seen as realistic, but to also be goofy as fuck. My problem with Begins has always been that I’m supposed to believe that this new, realistic Batman is a ninja. A fucking ninja. That’s goofy as hell in a movie so dour. Then in TDK you

It doesn’t matter. These tax cuts were wildly unpopular and this congress still passed them because they didn’t give a shit.

I’m 33. So far, so good....

Right. I have the same experience. I rarely go limp after an orgasm, but it is difficult to have another one. But if I do...oh man.


The fact that the writer of an article pointing out that conservatives freaked out over dumb shit is a liberal freaking out over dumb shit— IN THE SAME EXACT ARTICLE— is everything wrong with this country right now. Yes, that’s a sweeping judgment. Yes, I stand by it.

Well, if he’s not stringing people along, he needs to just say that. Otherwise, by saying that he “has pages” or will be done by 2018 and then not really doing any of that, that’s leading people on.

Yep. I remember reading an article in like ESPN the magazine many moons ago that was all about how revolutionary his pitching motion was in terms of pitcher health. That somehow all that contortionism somehow placed less stress on the arm.

He doesn’t owe people shit. This is true.

I just think he’s so undisciplined that the reason he keeps getting caught is because he doesn’t take the dosages at the exact times he’s told too.

Well, it’s kinda complex. For one, you’re talking specifically about “legal” immigration. Have you looked into how those countries treat immigrants who didn’t go through the “proper channels”? Most 1st world countries are pretty soft on immigrants as long as they’re contributing and aren’t breaking laws. Hell, when

Starred for the Jay-Z comment if for nothing else.

So half an episode did the trick for ya, eh?

Eh. What isn’t shallow?

Wow. This is a pretty ignorant statement.

There’s a lot of blame to go around. Anybody who voted for Trump. Anybody who didn’t vote at all. The DNC for running a candidate that nobody fucking liked, including half the people voting for her. Democrats who are ok with the status quo. And on and on.