They didn’t think he would win. They got that surprise and now they’re going to ride it out and take their chances that he (and the other GOP candidates) will win again when it matters.
They didn’t think he would win. They got that surprise and now they’re going to ride it out and take their chances that he (and the other GOP candidates) will win again when it matters.
I haven’t checked, but my guess is that voter turnout is up. I usually wrong on, well, everything, but that’s my guess. The data has always shown that high voter turnout favors liberal candidates. “Real Americans” are decent people who, you know, at least sort of care about not destroying the planet, the middle class…
To an extent. But I had really lovely parents and I was still, at times, a deeply shitty person when I was a teenager.
This person never assaulted Karrie League, so he has/had some control.
Amongst the other things wrong with your post that others have pointed out is that the Faraci incident was not a swirl of outrage. Faraci had a history of douchey behavior, then tried to reinvent himself as a tough-guy version of a SJW and got called out for still being a filthy misogynist. Gosh, he didn’t even deny…
Nobody will listen.
Not only that, but Lebron is going to make those guys better than they were with their old teams. These were all pretty solid players on shitty teams. Now they’ll be playing with each other and with Lebron.
Yeah, I mean, they didn’t make the varsity squad when they came back.
This is the problem with modern satire—that people are actually in on the joke. That’s why it doesn’t work. I like Stewart and Colbert and Oliver, but... what are they accomplishing besides giving liberals opportunities to pat themselves on the back for how smart and clever they all are compared the to the rubes.…
My step-son just enlisted. And his rationale just doesn’t add up. So it hits close to home for me at the moment.
Eh. I appreciate the intent many have when they join the armed forces.
All the evidence seems to suggest that most of the people who don’t vote would lean liberal if they did vote. High voter turn out almost always favors a dem candidate. It’s Krueger-Dunning—-most of the idiots think they have all the answers, so they vote, because their voices must be heard. and because they’re idiots,…
Yeah, that’s not bothersome to me. People do weird shit to get good shots in movies. People get spit on all the time in movies. People get choked regularly in movies. And they’re generally compensated pretty well for it. And, like, it’s in the name of art, so as long as all parties involved are cool with it, I don’t…
but Basmati Blues has blessedly little interest in a drawn-out love triangle or one of those tedious hate-at-first-sight phony-conflict romances.
Same here. I’m Mexican-American, and I once got into it with a white dude who saw me eating Chipotle and wondered why I wasn’t eating “real Mexican food.” I was like, “Dude, I’m not eating Chipotle because I was in the mood for Mexican food. I’m eating it because I was in the mood for Chipotle.”
London Fletcher
London Fletcher was a better linebacker than Ray Lewis.
I used to be a teacher and agree that the Teacher’s unions are generally shit. But my experience is that a shitty union is still preferable to no union at all.
I know amazon is basically an evil capitalistic monolith that represents everything and anything my own personal morals and values stand opposed to.