Teddy Atlas Shrugged

The thing is Lebron can be whatever player you need him to be and he’d be probably the best to ever do it. I mean, in this scenario I can see him being a point guard who dishes out 20 assists (real assists) per game and being Kawhi Leonard on defense.

Right. So let’s just increase their suffering with more evil. Seems to have the trick thus far.

Honestly, 8 years of Dubya should’ve done the trick. A lesser evil is still a lesser evil. And, you know, “baby steps” and all that. I’m so “leftist” I’m essentially an anarchist, but Jeezus, it’s obvious by now that there’s nothing wrong with taking whatever victories you can get.

Jesus. Get a life.

Yeah. I’m sure Irish Americans would a lot less amicable if the mascot were the “Drunken Irish” (although, perhaps an argument can be made that drunkeness is implied in the “Fighting” part of the moniker). Or if it were the “Irish Curse” and the mascot were a nude Leprechaun phantom (or something) with a micro penis.

My parents were pretty permissive too. Which is why when they made me leave when the Gimp came out in Pulp Fiction really messed with me for awhile. I mean, I was like 11, but still. Like, it took me until I got into college to work up the nerve to watch that movie solely because I didn’t want to think about what

Haha. Haha. hahahaha. This is just fodder for the obligatory “Michigan State has overcome SO MUCH ADVERSITY” CBS handjob when Michigan State returns to the final four in, say, 3 years or so.

Schilling AND the best middle reliever ever should get in. Closers get in just because they happen to have a special statistic (saves) but I fail to see how a closer is more important than a middle reliever.

Yeah, but....Hester and Tasker should both be in their sports’ hall of fame. Because, you know, they were the best to ever do their jobs.

I mean, I guess Jones is a better human being, but I don’t think his votes have been any different from what Moore would’ve cast.

Nice try, but wouldn’t be necessary if they just, you know, put all kinds of people in the movies they make. Sort of how the real world works. You know, like how at my place of employment, I work with people of all ages and ethnicities and sexual orientations, etc. Not just blandly good-looking white folk who can’t

+1 Thich Quang Duc

Eh. I like that show too, but it still often cherry-picks it’s sources. I remember in the episode about diet, it talks about how, in the 1950s, the sugar industry conspired with the government to convince everyone it was fat that was making people fat, when it was really sugar that was making people fat. Then, in the

I wouldn’t put it past Mueller to be biding his time until the midterms for that exact reason. If the Dems can take over the Senate, then it opens up some options.

Deh leever shot!

Honestly, over the past couple of years, I’ve found my interest and enjoyment of MMA and boxing waning pretty significantly. I almost watch it more out of habit than out of any sort of real enthusiasm. And I wonder if you really aren’t on to something. Like, when life starts to feel like a goddamned fight every single

Ha! I really enjoy his Rome podcast, so I was trying to be diplomatic.

I’ve been reading Wyman since he was writing at sherdog, and he’s always fallen for the popular narratives a little too easily. We knew Ngannou had power, but what did we know beyond that? We’ve never really seen him box or kickbox beyond some rudimentary (and often sloppy) basics. He’s a giant unknown when it comes

To protect themselves.

They have weight certification at the beginning of the season which includes body composition tests and hydration tests. If they are properly hydrated then, based on their body composition, they are given a weight that is the lowest weight they are allowed to compete at.