Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Wait, wait, wait. Heineken has a flavor???

I’m a Johnny Cash fan and even I can see this. I never understood the love for that cover.

The enemy of your enemy... and all that...

Nah. This is the genius of “tough talk.” Now they can say, “See, our tough talk and huge nuclear buttons have forced North Korea to start using diplomacy.” If North Korea doesn’t make such moves, then they continue with their tough guy talk because “they don’t listen” or something.

I can think of few sports less interesting to me than watching a bunch of skinny dudes run for two hours (Golf and autoracing are not “sports”). But he seems like an interesting cat and this was a good article.

Yeah, the Dems helped get us all in this mess by letting the GOP bully and rag-doll them for 30-some-odd years. Now they want to talk tough now that there’s a literal idiot-lunatic in charge, which they failed to defeat.

I don’t know why so many people are clamoring for another super-rich “elite” to run for office. These people aren’t like you and me, and they aren’t really a part of our society.

Also, too, but sorry, this kind of thing rubs me so wrong. I hate to sound all redneck, GOP-ish, but the fact is a super-rich “elite” just gave a speech to a bunch of other super-rich “elites” so they can all pat each other on the pack and pretend they’re doing something for a society they aren’t actually a part of.

Quite frankly, there’s nothing they can really say to salvage themselves, anyway. Let’s be honest, either they’re guilty of sexual assault/harassment themselves, or they knew about it and did nothing. No way to come out looking good there. How many of them are still making movies with Woody Allen ?

I mean, she wouldn’t have colluded with a foreign power and we wouldnt be on the brink of nuclear war we some imbecile child-despot of some 3rd world country. But, yeah, what’s the difference?

While “accuracy” has been called into question, I have seen none of the claims in the book outright denied. And Wolff supposedly has “tapes.” And the publisher had to know this was litigation waiting to happen, but they apparently felt secure enough in whatever Wolff had as evidence. So...

Feels weird starring that. But, Jesus, too rotten to not be true.

Yeah, but the humor is what makes it “not Star Trek.”

Yeah, I stopped reading the coverage on here, because I thought the show was pretty good, and the humor was a nice touch that differentiated it from, you know, actual Star Trek.


Yeah. I was like “Whaaa?” Over the past dozen years or so, pop music has become more and more White.


Honestly, part of the problem is the Republican Congress. Mueller can find outright evidence of collusion or conspiracy, and as long as the Republicans control the DOJ and Congress, there’s no guarantee anything would come from the investigation.

I mean, it’s all subjective. But I don’t diss on In-N-Out because it’s “edgy.” I diss on it because all I heard about for years was how awesome those burgers were and when I finally had an opportunity to have one it was “pretty good.” Which, that’s not a complaint. It’s not a bad burger by any means. Just, in all

It’s all hype and “monoculture.” Freddy’s, Steak and Shake, Five Guys and Smashburger are all significantly better.