Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Yeahhhh. I don’t understand how this is the sticking point for splinter writers. That’s a pretty believable claim. Out of all the shit we’ve seen from this dipshit, you could tell me he hired a company (Russian, probably) to hack Florida off from the U.S. like Bugs Bunny proper, and I wouldn’t bat an eye.

The people that voted for them and continue to support them will still be around tho.

Nothing. If he admits to having participated in sexual harassment himself, he’s a POS perv. If he admits to witnessing and/or knowing about others participating in it, he’s a POS who did nothing to stop any of it. If he denies knowing about anything going on, he’s a POS liar. If he admits to maybe partaking in some

Eh. To me the problem is they’re all the same movie. Recycled and dressed up with a slightly different veneer (oh, look, this one is a HEIST movie where the last one was a SPY movie, etc.). But they’re all just some smug, selfish white guy with a special talent who learns, after a 20 minute battle with a boring

Nah, fuck that. Regardless of grammar semantics, it’s one if the worst constructed headlines I’ve ever attempted to read a few times and then gave up on.

Bar was raised because Black people now know they can make a difference in their states. Hopefully.

Punch Drunk Love

Seems like something of a charlatan, but he’s right about the need for rest. Professional athletes are still human and the human body can only take so much. Most of these guys aren’t Lebron. Hell, we’ll see how long Lebron can be Lebron. I think you’d see a big reduction in injuries if more teams took rest more

It’s different with Feige, though. I think part of the reason fans got so up in arms about TLJ is because of shit like Marvel. All Marvel does is give fans what they want. All of their movies (even the ones I like) are just extended episodes of fan service. Fans get used to that shit. They get used to being

I know I’m slightly off topic, but I think things like the Marvel films contribute to that toxic fandom, though. They make decent, competent time-wasters that give fans exactly what they want and there are a lot of people out there who think those are the greatest movies ever. Even though they’re mostly “alright.” But

Eh, I think the fans (myself included) made it a bigger thing than the movie actually did. Maz straight up tells her that she knows who her parents are and that they’re not coming back. In retrospect all TFA shows is that the force is working overtime through the vessel that is Rey.

No, Johnson took all the actual important things, like the great characters and meaningful themes that Abrams set up and took those to great, novel places. He the right thing and pointed out to idiot fanboys that who Rey’s parents are or who Snoke is are superfluous questions that don’t mean jack shit in the larger

My assumption is the husband has communicated his displeasure with her working situation. It’s pretty cut and dried. Has nothing to do with being a “prude.” If he were OK with the situation, then that’s fine and there’s nothing to be “prudish” about. He’s not OK with it, and she does it anyway. Something has to give.

Right. Well, I think someone who knows about all this could come up with a dozen reasons at least why no one ever did it before, or why it happens so rarely.

Maybe that’s what exactly went through her head. Like, she thought of all those examples and then the light bulb of doing it in hyperspace went off.

For me, we’ve all been watching these movies for 40 years and no fan that I know of ever thought to kamikaze one ship into another like that. Maybe in that universe no one ever thought to do it either? Maybe Holdo was the first person to have that thought?

There’s no way they’re telling Trump-boy ANYTHING. His own friends think he’s an imbecile. People who actually know what’s going on aren’t telling him shit.

Can’t be ruled a fumble after the ball crosses the plane, just like a runner with the ball can’t fumble after crossing the plane.

I know the rule says differently. That rule is dumb.

Yeah, but if he has control as it crosses the plane, then it should be a catch. If a runner fumbles after crossing the plane, it is not considered a fumble, because the end zone is the “end” zone. Everything that happens after breaking the plane is superfluous.