Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Not at all. There are two different rules for runners. If the ball crosses the end zone plane, and then the runner fumbles, it’s not a fumble. But everywhere else on the field, losing possession of the ball is a fumble. We don’t think that’s dumb, because it isn’t. The End Zone is the end of the line. Once it’s

He had control of the ball as it crossed the plane. I don’t care what the rule says, that’s a catch. The rule can eat a bag of half deflated footballs....

What the hell did muenster cheese ever do you to you, Drew?

Yes. You’re right. I’ve completely made all of that up. For no reason at all beyond disagreeing with some person I don’t even know, over the internet.

I’ve heard it quite a bit. I’ve worked on a college campus for the past two years though, so maybe that’s why. But I heard it a number of times when I was a college student as well.

Eh, as a minority, I can tell you there is a difference. I’m going to botch this so, so badly, but the big thing is that, politically, white people, in theory, benefit from conservative policies. This is why it’s sort of acceptable for a white man to be conservative and not be called a bad, racially-charged name for

I don’t have statistics to back up my claims, but having grown up catholic, my guess is it’s probably around 50-50 of Catholic women who vote Dem vs. Repub. I wouldn’t be surprised if a slight or significant majority votes in favor of Democrats.

Just because he wasn’t caught blood doping doesn’t mean he wasn’t doing it. That’s my point. That’s kind of the naive aspect of your comment. He’s probably blood doping and using asthma medication, on top of god knows what else. He only got caught using the asthma medication because that’s where he (or his chemist)

No offense, but your response is sort of naive. Doubling up on asthma inhaler is probably one of dozens of things he’s doing. Or, it was a plausible excuse for whatever he was using.

The weird thing for me has always been how compassionate and empathetic Chinatown really is. It’s cynical and pessimistic, yes, but in the case of that movie those clearly stem from compassion and empathy fatigue.

Yeah, I don’t get the “oh, now he only cares because it affected him” response. So what? As long as he learned, shouldn’t we celebrate, you know, positive change, regardless of where it stemmed? The whole point is to try to make all these people realize that the policies of the assholes are already affecting them.

Personally, I think it’s a justification. If it weren’t conservative Christianity, these people would find something else to justify what they already want to believe.

All the elements for great flicks are in each of those movies. There’s a love triangle between Padme, Anakin and Obi-Wan just begging to be told. There’s Obi-Wan trying to live up to his perception of Qui-Gon. The second movie should’ve been a slick, tight Jedi detective story.

His mother wouldn’t and hasn’t shown empathy for other victims of bullying. In fact, she’s a bully herself. She’s manipulating her child’s pain for self-gain. How she can have any defenders is astounding to me.

By most accounts he seems to be a decent human being. But you never know, I guess.

Second Wolverine was just as good as Logan until the giant robot samurai fight.

My biggest issue whenever someone brings Gibson into the conversation is that he admitted he was wrong, made no qualifications about it, spent a number of years trying to atone and make positive changes to himself and the towards the issues he was guilty of, and people still think he doesn’t deserve to ever work

These are depressing. There is a large portion of the population that will do whatever they need to do to justify their hideous positions and choices. NOTHING, no facts, no reasoning, no truth will ever get them to admit they are/were wrong about anything. It’s hopeless. It’s utterly and completely and absolutely

Different strokes and all that. But I actually really liked Superman Returns, now that you bring that one up.

Why is “nukes for only a select few” such a good idea? Why doesn’t every nation have a right to defend themselves they way they seem fit? What makes either America or Russia such good candidates to be nations that should be allowed to have nukes?