Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Eh. Everybody’s going all revisionist here. Singer was never a “genius” but most of his films were quality films. Usual Suspects is a classic. Days of Future’s Past is probably the best X-Men film that’s an actual X-Men film. Valkyrie and Apt Pupil are decent flicks, etc. But learning about how often he never even

People like you are such cowards. The only true idiot in this situation is Trump. You think some spoiled fat boy like Kim Jung Un wants to risk his pampered life of power and tyranny? He talks big to keep other countries off his back, not because he has any intention of destroying half the planet and his own kingdom

Word. I really enjoy alcohol, and I’ve smoked weed a few times but never really liked it. But it’s the dumbest thing in the world that alcohol would be legal and marijuana wouldn’t be.

No, they all had 10-15 miserable years to get there. And they’re all barely .500 teams. The sixers are also only a .500 team, but they have a potential dynasty on their hands.

Honestly, though... the process worked. That team wasn’t winning titles regardless. Now they have Embiid and Simmons. If Fultz is halfway decent, that’s a legit exciting team that they never would’ve had if they had futzed out a decade of mediocrity.

Actually, yeah. That’s probably a more accurate way of putting it.

Nah. Demographics of the past three elections prove that people want a populist. Obama was labeled a “socialist” early on, even though he’s center-right when it comes to economics. But he was so popular precisely because the perception of him was that he was populist. The socialist label helped him, it didn’t hurt

Not only that, but at a certain point, if someone wins the popular vote for president by, say, 10 million votes, and still somehow wins the electoral college, it might finally be the impetus to do something about the electoral college. Hillary won by 2 million votes even with a bunch of people in blue states staying

Not only that, but at a certain point, if someone wins the popular vote for president by, say, 10 million votes, and still somehow wins the electoral college, it might finally be the impetus to do something about the electoral college. Hillary won by 2 million votes even with a bunch of people in blue states staying

Principles are the only thing a person has to die for. If you don’t have principles what the fuck are you fighting for? And if you don’t have them, what makes you different from your opponents? WTF. Franken shouldn’t be in the senate and neither should Moore. Nothing about that is mutually exclusive. Franken will be

This is it. He was elected by a bunch of miserable, spiteful, stupid buffoons who would cut off their own genitals if it meant “getting back” at someone who was kind of sort of ok in life, in their perception.

All of this.

That’s sort of what I’m saying though. Nobody has a legit argument against Brady as GOAT, even though I personally think he benefited mightily from some lucky breaks. But do I know that for sure and can I prove that in a court of footbaw law? Of course not. So I’m stuck shrugging and nodding with resignation whenever

On top of all that, I also just think that Brady isn’t as good as a lot of other qbs in the running for GOAT. Belicheck has got absurd results out of guys like Matt Cassell. Brady is better than Cassell, of course, but I think you put Peyton (as much as I hate to admit it) or Brees or Rivers or even freaking Donavan

I think I had read that all these chain pizza joints actually get their cheese from the same place, so I don’t know about the cheese. Little Caesar’s is terrible pizza, but there’s a weird sort of “comfort food” vibe I get from it at least. Like the puddles of grease and salt and sugar that they call pizza stimulates

I don’t know, dude. It seems to me like one’s values and morals shouldn’t be determined by what evil people are doing.

Nah. Pizza Hut is the worst, by far. The crust isn’t even crust. It’s like a foam, bread-like thing dabbed with garlic butter and then spit-fired with a blow torch.

This is true. Don’t get me wrong, Nixon was a horrible monster. But what does that say about our current politicians?

Right. I actually get where Rappaport and Hellboy are coming from, to an extent. And I do think Oliver was looking to score some acclaim and attention as much as anything else. But if a person doesn’t want to answer questions about sexual harassment, then they shouldn’t sexually harass anyone. That fixes the problem

Eh. I actually do kind of the see the logic behind these takes, but, at the same time, if you don’t want to be asked about sexual harassment, don’t sexually harass anyone.