America is fat because we’re a bunch of gluttons who eat too many calories. It’s not carbs. It’s not fat. It’s not sugar. We just eat a bunch of everything.
America is fat because we’re a bunch of gluttons who eat too many calories. It’s not carbs. It’s not fat. It’s not sugar. We just eat a bunch of everything.
Well, you care. And all the other respondents care. And all the people who liked their replies care. Some people got legitimately offended by my post. And let’s be honest, both hardcore meat eaters and vegans tend to be religious about their choices of things to eat. So let’s not delude ourselves here.
No. I understand most people don’t like my weird food thing. That’s the point.
Well, I think the issue is that if a 44-year-old is having sex with a 21-year-old (or a 19-year-old) it’s still creepy af, but it’s not illegal. It’s just... dirty. We all know that Allen is a creepo. But I doubt he’d actually have the gall to make a movie about a 44-year-old man sexually abusing/assualting a…
Man, I just disagree. French fries. Pretzels. Mashed Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes. Refried beans. Baked beans. Falafel. Hummus. Cole Slaw. Fried potatoes. Spanish rice. pesto sauce. tomato sauce. Salsa. Calabacitas. Fried green tomatoes. Asian pears. Watermelon. Guacamole. The list just goes on and on.
There was a time when I would’ve laughed so hard at this kind of comment.
So if it’s ok to punch Nazis, why isn’t it ok to punch Americans? America has been far more successful in it’s genocidal efforts and, you know, enslaving people than the Nazis ever were. And now we have a bunch of white supremacists globetrotting with the primary intent of killing a bunch of brown people.
This isn’t fair to all the vegetables on this list because we’re talking about cured meats here, and any meat will beat any vegetable in any flavor competition. But I didn’t wanna make this list and have everyone yell at me for leaving beef off of it. I mean, you’re still gonna yell at me, but at least my meat…
I feel like compassion and respect for others, and at least a baseline understanding of one’s own biases and bigotries (no one person can ever know their own biases fully, imo), are essential aspects of “intelligence.” One may be good at, say, solving complex physics equations, but if that person is an asshole,…
As someone with two “social science” degrees (a BA and MA), these aren’t sciences at all (perhaps as hinted at by my degree titles). And part of the problem with the fields as a whole is trying to pretend that they are true blue sciences. Human behavior is too erratic to become predictable in any meaningful way.
Word. I know some people who dedicate so much to their abs. At the cost of who knows what else?
I hear and respect that argument. I just disagree. He’s probably the only wrestler right now where if you tell me he’s on the card, I’m going to make an actual effort to watch it. The “reality” of the wrestling to me has always been at the bottom of the priority list, as it’s always quite obviously fake.
Personally I go with Richochet, but AJ can/is willing to do some of the more “traditional” wrestling stuff that will get him some of the love some of those other guys won’t. But it is well-earned. AJ is a hell of a performer.
Um... I make $40,000 per year and have two kids, one of which is in college. What the fuck am I supposed to do, dipshit? There’s something called “the American government” whose sole reason for existing—get this— is to make sure the citizens residing under its sovereignty don’t die from unnecessary causes. Like, if a…
Eh. The hulkbuster fight is a terrible example, because, at the end if the day, it’s all animation. The main problem with superhero movie action is that, as Tom has sort of alluded to, the fights don’t feel real. The punches and explosions don’t hurt because they’re obviously literal cartoons. Part of the charm of…
It is the wrong move. But nobody will listen to you because by calling someone a “Nazi” that person is no longer human. You know, the same thing the far right does whenever they use a racial or sexist slur, except, you know, OUR side, OUR tribe doesn’t like Nazis, so of course dehumanization is ok then.
Because even progressive white people still have their racist blind spots.
Yeah, the hip hop writing on this site has always been really spotty. Even when Rabin was doing his series, sometimes he wrote shit that made me bang my head against my desk.
Ehhh. Sure. But the 90s offered more than just gangsta rap. Nas, Wu Tang, The Liks, Pharcyde, Redman, Gang Starr, Canibus, MF Doom, Big L, Big Pun... I mean the list goes on. The 90s were the Platinum age, or something.