Teddy Atlas Shrugged

These sorts of things are, unfortunately, never surprising, but they’re always disappointing. I’m talking sexual abuse, obviously, but also the other abuse that athletes are subjected to. It’s a pain in the ass to even like sports anymore. I was lucky enough that sports was always an escape for me. It was always

That was kind of my point, my man.

This deserves so many more stars....

This kind of post used to be satire....

This is a dumb opinion. We need people in that position to prevent Trump from doing his worst. Fuck, what we really don’t need is a bunch of sniveling yes men who don’t have souls or brains and will just let Trump do whatever he pleases. Honestly we need somebody in those positions who can swallow their pride and

Yeah, but that’s only because roughly 40-percent of the population will like the Republican president regardless of what happens, because at least that president isn’t a libtard.

It’s weird how Drew suddenly turns into William S. Burroughs....

Hundley and the Div III fish are both below-average. Well below. Why not bring in the at-worst, average QB.

Eh. Wendy’s gets shit on because it’s Pleb food. But when done right, I’ve had some really good Wendy’s burgers (I mean, “really good” relative to what is to be expected from fast food burgers).

In-n-Out is indeed, “Fine.” It’s a good, decent burger, particularly for what it is. But it’s not out of this world or anything.

Dude, my kids are the only part of my life that is legitimately joyful. (Well, that and whenever Burneko actually submits a post.)

No, not really. It’s more that he’s incapable of guilt or empathy. Shame is something a little different. Some forms of sociopath also experience symptoms of narcissism, which is probably true for Weinstein’s case. And a narcissist can and dies feel shame.

It’s virtue signalling. But perhaps there’s a legit reason, for it. The issue is with the morons in power and the state of the country right now, people on the Right Side Of History are feeling a little powerless, so they need to attack every little thing that maybe, sort of, in some ways can be considered insulting.

Same. Sak was one of only a handful of fighters who lived the “anytime, any place, any one” ethos. Dude fought Cro Cop and Wandy even though he really never learned how to kick box! And he looked like he was having fun, even when his his dislocated shoulder was located on a part of his body no shoulder should ever be

It’s a mental illness of some sort. Some kind of OCD. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Even if we assume that these people are just neurotically insecure in their self-perception, you would think the first—oh, I don’t know—500 million dollars would help with that. Hell, they make so much money that when I was

In all fairness, DBZ made dispensed with that pretense when Piccolo wasn’t even a match for the saiyans.

When I talk to people who are starting to get into DB, I tell them that getting through the Frieza saga is essential and is a lot of fun. I tell them that the transformations get ridiculous during the Android and Cell sagas, but the storytelling is still really good so it all works. But still, it’s not essential to

You’re exactly right. It’s become a series of “moments” instead of story. And, yeah, I’m kind of into the moments, but the series ends up feeling empty, when it was good, meaningful storytelling that got us hooked in the first place. However, let’s be frank, after SSJ, where the hell was the series supposed to go? As

Yeah, DB Super is really lame when you take a step back. I still watch and enjoy it, but it’s a big mess and I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be. I have some friends who have just started getting into DB and they ask me about what to watch, but I basically tell them that getting through the Frieza saga is essential

Thank all the gods and aliens, my friend. Thank them all....