Teddy Atlas Shrugged

They wanted a populist. Details aside (I mean, details are important, but idiots are going to idiot), that’s all you need to know. Clinton is irrevocably aligned with Wall St. in the minds of many. The (supposed) Billionaire New York Real Estate Magnate was the obvious populist alternative. (I know that doesn’t make

Those people weren’t democrats, though, and weren’t guaranteed to vote democrat even if they voted. They were people who liked Sanders’ message, and whose populism appealed to them. They’re the same people who thought Obama was a populist.

Evolution is based on who got lucky genetic mutations. Humans are not the strongest or fastest animals by a long shot. And while there’s an argument that perhaps we’re the smartest, Douglas Adams put that shit to sleep a long time ago (in less than a full paragraph, I might add).

Rick and Morty

Yeah, but I always do try to put myself in a naive 1970s movie-goer’s mind, and I don’t find it hard to believe that audiences were swelling with tension when Creed and Rocky went down. (Jesus, what kind of movie were we talking about again?)


Honestly, I thought Diaz should’ve won the rematch too, so I’m not all that excited about a trilogy either.

Word. As I wrote in another post, the boxing fans acting like MMA somehow got exposed is the most annoying aspect of this whole thing.

Hell, you’re even forgetting the difference adding kicks and knees and elbows adds to the equation.

Cro Cop, Fedor and, hell, even the Nog brothers would like a word with you.

If he fights Diaz again, that will sell... a lot.

The only thing that Goaded Mayweather into the fight was his taxes.

Yeah, this is what is frustrating me about the boxing fans. I keep seeing and hearing that Mayweather “outclassed the bum.” Well, I would hope so. McGregor has never boxed before and Mayweather is one of the top 25-50 boxers who ever lived. But McGregor lasted 10 rounds and had Mayweather reeling from a bodyshot in

My favorite Samurai movies are still both of the Hara Kiri flicks. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any other films deconstruct and then shit on not just the Samurai way of life, but toxic masculinity and heartless “morality” more savagely than both of those films.

I remember too. I remember too.

Because the DNC gave them a candidate that they couldn’t stand.

Kerry Kittles.

I was going to say Plummer too, but, come on, he wasn’t that bad. What is he, like the second best QB the Cards have ever had. I know that’s not saying much, but he did take the Broncos to the AFC championship game.

I wouldn’t argue against you. You’re an intelligent, insightful person.

Well, there is a difference between “fitness” and “health.” By some standards of fitness, he was fit. He certainly wasn’t healthy.