Teddy Atlas Shrugged

This is the biggest fallacy of the fitness industry. The vast majority of fitness gurus are on roids, and they’re telling you, guy or girl who probably isn’t on roids, how to work out and eat, because, being on steroids, anything you do to work out is going to get results, and, as long as it falls anywhere within the

That’s a quality “softball guy” there. A real vet at guzzling the fun out of existence.

It is! But there’s always “that guy.” If you’re lucky, there’s only one of them. In baseball there’s often multiple asswipes.

Those are still twice the size of MMA glove, so they’re going to take some of the piss out of his punches.

The problem is that the larger gloves are going to absorb a lot of McGregor’s power. He’s not going to be quite the power puncher he is in MMA gloves.

Having been a commenter at both places, I both agree with you, but also want you have a little faith. Deadspin has a similar sense of humor while also maintaining it’s respect for all human and human-like beings. Only occasionally do the jezebel hordes cross paths with the deadspin idiots. So, stay strong or

Yeah. Honestly, I’ve never gotten the hype for the Ip Man films. I love Donnie Yen, and the action is generally pretty good, but the movies themselves are just meh.

Right. The shelf-life on Gaethje is not going to be very long. And the UFC has always had a reluctance to promote exciting fighters who aren’t perennial contenders.

I agree, but the UFC doesn’t do this. They both punish a fighter if they lose and don’t do a good job of promoting their champs. How they’ve been at all successful is beyond me.

Problem is Gaethje probably isnt disciplined enough to ever be champ.

Which are basically just commercials for the paperviews.

I’m such a rotten Broncos fan that after I read that response, I immediately started trying to remember if Brian Griese was a 7th round pick.

No, you’re being naive. People have known for years that MMA is a cesspool of all kinds of weird hormones. I know guys who train at Jackson’s. They tell me everyone’s swimming in a pool of steroids and HGH and prohormones and god knows what else there. Every MMA gym is. Other members of Jackson’s MMA have failed tests

Yeah, when I was reading about how they almost made the playoffs, but Mariota got hurt and the Jags beat them, I was legitimately, “Wait, all that really happened? He’s messing around like he was at the beginning of the article.” Then I googled it and sure enough that’s what happened.

Charging 50-percent in taxes so that every citizen can go to school for free and get healthcare for free, and to ensure that no citizen lives in abject poverty is not capitalism and is, almost by strict definition, socialism.

I don’t think I buy that. That “Unite the Right” rally had one real outcome, which was that it hastened the removal of other Confederate participation trophies, and increased the support for such.

Yeah, the “center” is now farther “right” than the Republican party was at the end of the Cold War. Not sure what the poster was getting at.

That’s a good point.

I’m “only” half-white, so take what I say as half-privilege or something. But while I don’t think we should ignore these Nazis, I also think we’re sort of giving them what they want. They want a fight. They want to be seen as dangerous. And, quite frankly, that in and of itself attracts a certain kind of disillusioned