There’s a reason why research studies are never N=1, Anecdotal in nature.
There’s a reason why research studies are never N=1, Anecdotal in nature.
Also, show me the data that actually proves white sugar is toxic?
No, if we wanted to, we could vote in politicians who would make laws preventing corporations from paying for politicians. We don’t do that, however.
Not everyone who thinks differently from you are idiots or willfully ignorant. Some of them are naive, maybe. Others are “idealists” or “optimists.” Most are just Americans who have been raised to believe that business is the ultimate good and these businessmen only have the well-being of the country in mind.
When recent police body and dash cam videos started actually getting officers in the slightest bit of hot water for beating and gunning down people of color, the NCGOP swiftly passed the HB 972, striking police body camera footage from the list of publicly available government records and requiring a written request…
The point is there are people who are actually hoping and calling for this to happen. There are a lot of people who think that CEOs will abandon Trump for responsible and moral reasons.
The difference is that ultimately, Government is not some monolithic external entity that traverses the land and feeds off the souls of the unsuspecting kinfolk.
Nah. They would’ve done that with either Canelo or Pac if that’s what they were shooting for.
The believe in spiteful hate. Nothing else really.
But you’re literally alive and typing shit on deadspin write now.
Humanity is also inherently cooperative.
That’s true. Good point.
Yeah, it’s great in moderation. Nothing worse than a (pardon me) white person’s Mexican food that has no flavor other than “overwhelming cumin.”
Well, the Stoics believed you really shouldn’t be at war with your fellow man, so there would be no reason to be deceptive.
Well, I think it’s a little self-satisfied to believe one is the ultimate purveyor of truth, anyway. I get annoyed with people who say, “I just tell it as it is,” because you tell it how you perceive it, but how do you know how you see things is “how it is”?
I think I agree with you.
Good points. It is about perspectives, I think. I grew up in a rough community, and people who don’t know I’m from there are always like, “Ew, I would never go there, because I’d never come out.” But, like, to me it’s just (unfortunately) home and it’s weird to think somebody (much less most people) would be weary of…
Join a union, get paid more, have more of a say in your working environment and conditions.
That’s what the DNC apologists don’t understand. The Dem Party buys your support by being liberal on social issues, which is important but which also distracts people from the kind of changes that would fix many of those social issues without the fight. The conservatives (and probably “centrist” neo-liberal dems)…
The answer is people don’t want you there, but that’s not what any of this is about. It’s about why a bunch of idiots refuse to make their lives better.