Teddy Atlas Shrugged

It’s not a naive hope. North Korea knows they can’t survive any real confrontation. They’re showing their ass to try to keep other countries off their back. Un is a murderous asswipe, but he’s not the buffoon the U.S. has made him out to be. He’s not Trump. North Korea doesn’t want a war. Trump does.

Actually, nah. I’m short-selling him a little bit. He was a bit smarter than average, but, again, not someone a rube like me would think would be a Yale type. Honestly, I think he was a hard worker, who got good grades and probably had a lot of extra-curriculars. Beyond that, I have no clue how he got in.

Yeah, that’s interesting, and a really insightful perspective. But it makes sense.

Yeah, this is a really good point. School is what you make of it. One can go to a not-great school and really make the most of that education, and/or one can go to a really good school and not do much with it.

One guy I used to work with was a Yale graduate. And in his defense, he was far from the dumbest person I had to work with, but he also wasn’t, like, YALE GRADUATE, if you know what I mean. He was just a normal dude with normal intelligence who somehow got into Yale. I don’t know.

I can’t tell you how many times in my professional life I’ve been commended for the work that I do and how quickly it gets done, when, quite frankly, I’m doing what is in my mind the bare minimum. I’m at a total loss at what other folks are up to with their time.

Word. I went to some backwoods, shithole of a college and felt a weird intellectual insecurity about it for a long time. But I work in a field and in an area with a lot of people from supposedly much more prestigious schools and most of them are morons, who, ironically, can’t think creatively in any meaningful way.

Instead of actual. meaningful change that impacts actual lives, a lot of liberals prefer to do “virtue signalling” because it’s easier and doesn’t actually take much work. Then when Conservatives call them names like “SJWs” in public, but laugh in private because the battles are being fought over street names instead

Yes, but they’ll WIN. And that’s the important thing, obviously.

Because all America cares about is winning. For all their griping about participation trophies, America still has no value that supersedes being a winner, and say what you will about that High School, they’re probably the only school in their conference/division/league/etc. that has a coach with a NCAA D-1 winning

Yeah, especially at the end of the day Mayweather will do whatever Mayweather wants to do to McGregor and nobody will remember the supposed knockdown of that Paulie dude or whatever.

Hell, I’m a Bronco fan (as far as I can be considered an NFL fan at all at this point) and I’m pissed that they won’t sign Kaep. WTF?

Put Lebron on a team with Griffin and DJ in their primes and they make it farther than they ever have with Paul. Hell, they probably win at least one championship before the fermentation of the championship-level Warriors is complete.

Sorry Patrick. I do love your Rome podcast though.

Wyman’s been writing about MMA for years, and it still blows my mind how easily he gives into simple narratives as opposed to obvious truths. It’s true that DC is more of a “grinder” than Jones, but DC is a freakish athlete in his own right and is not some talentless meat-blob who has only accomplished what he has

Hell, I still think Cormier can be a dominant HW champ and probably would’ve been if he weren’t buddies with Cain.

The unsettling thing for me was just how forced it all was. If he was getting up under his own volition and seemed like he had his wits about him, that would be one thing, but they were forcing him onto his feet, and he very obviously was not in a proper state to be standing and wandering around. And the people

Agreed. I don’t really care much for Rogan, but I think he’s being genuine in his apologies and explanation on this, and I get the sense he feels terrible about the whole thing. Rogan’s not a doctor or an executive, it’s not on him to ensure somebody gets proper medical care after being knocked unconscious.

I... Will keep that in mind.....

The thing is I completely agree with your point of view.