Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Word. In comparison to most of today’s popular rappers, Macklemore is actually pretty good, and he actually respects the culture. I hated that Greg Howard article about him so much, not because I’m a huge fan, but because Macklemore is/was the least of Hip Hop’s problems at that time, and they had that one writer at

Damn, dude. This is one of the best pieces about hip hop I’ve read in some time. But you’re the same dude who basically bestowed messiah status on Future—who, in and of himself, represents the nuclear fallout of a culture that was bombed out of existence by the fat boy missile that is American Capitalism. You also

Eh, I don’t think so, man. I think these people exist only because agriculture and its accompanying civilizations allow them to exist. These idiots would’ve been killed off quite early in the wild, because they don’t understand that Cougars are dangerous and that not wanting Cougars to be dangerous doesn’t change the

Did they vote against their own self interest? Yes. Will they come to regret it? Yes, if they haven’t already.

Somehow this entire experiment continues to be worse than I had anticipated. I expected racism and misogyny and an overall lack of empathy, intelligence and decency. But I thought these fuckers would at least have to put on a show in some areas. Like, “See, we’re not so bad. We continue to give funding to people who

I don’t even think it’s that, necessarily. I think they’re just convinced that their problems aren’t caused by people like Trump or the Republicans. There’s nothing you can tell them that would convince them that their problems have nothing to do with Brown people, LGTBQ people, Religion or abortion. Look at places

Yeah, but it says a lot that the perception to a lot of fans (such as UngratefulDead) is that the booking is terrible. The UFC has done itself no favors with its main event matchmaking, and that perception—pardon the phrase—trickles down to the matchmaking as whole. Most fans aren’t going to remember how good the

Better than Kobe.

Well, what did the media focus on the most? The Sessions stuff or how Trump finally “became president”?

As a Hispanic who know Hispanics who voted for the rancid sack of pig vomit, it never ceased to amaze me. Their responses were usually, “I’m not an illegal alien, who cares?” But you have a swarthy complexion and your last name is Encarnacion. You think these asswipes can really tell the difference?!!!

Problem is, you think. Try not thinking for a second. Try to just, I don’t know, FEEL things. Things like inarticulate hatred and fear and anger. Don’t THINK about them. Just feel them. And then, I don’t know, do something about them.

Most of the great aspects of this country are socialist ideas. Libraries. Public Parks. Fireman. Our military. Our Education system. Our Mail. Our roads. Our Farms. Etc.

As the article pointed out, the impact of immigration on crime has been researched and discussed and facts have been determined. Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than “natives” and there is literally no justifiable reason for having a special government agency (another manifestation of the boogeyman of “big

Yeah. People don’t seem to understand that it’s legitimately entertaining. It’s long as hell, obviously, but I was actually disappointed when it was over.

So glad to see this movie on here. It’s actually not one of my favorite Johnny To movies, but I’m glad To is getting a chance to get some love. He’s the best director most people haven’t hear of.

Erm. Stranger things have happened?

With the exception that, you know, Leonard/Hagler is considered to be one of the greatest fights ever, and Hagler was actually effective enough that some people make good arguments that he should’ve won the fight.

Eh......WOULD! Why not?

*shudders*— then— *pukes*

Which superhero movie were you talking about?