Teddy Atlas Shrugged

My general feelings on the Marvel movies are, “Well, not bad, I guess.” But people love the shit out of them. I really don’t get what I’m missing.

That’s how I feel about the entirety of the Hydra bullshit in the Marvel movies. Or the giant fucking heli-carrier that’s the size of a small city in The Avengers. Or how Nick Fury is so many steps ahead of his enemies he’s essentially immortal. So fucking stupid I can’t stay in any of the movies.

This. So this.

A winning argument can be made that Jay-Z won at life. I’ve yet to see one that convinced me he beat Nas at rap.

Based on what kind of hip hop they let Ms. Horn write about, I assume Greg and most of the deadspin staff are those silly souls that somehow think The Takeover was a better diss track than Ether.

Excellent comment. End of discussion.


It’s so funny that one side of the conversation always accuses the other side of never taking accountability for their own actions and blaming others for their failures, and yet, that’s the same side that tends to send nonsensical, absurdist emails whining about nothing. Not every bitch and moan story justifies a

Yeah, but...Muslims? Gay people? Christians?

That “highlight” was the equivalent of a baseball game that ends in a balk. It’s rare and not indicative of the impenetrability of the sport.

In wrestling, there's no ball, so it takes a little more nuance to produce rules that are conducive to action.

Yeah, but that was a good movie doe.

That and she smokes weed. Because that's something very exciting to know in this day and age.

Word. I was a sick puppy as a kid. The older I get the more boring my porn gets.

Usually, when they're droning on about how great Kokomo, Indiana is, I'm like, "You know what, you're right. It sounds awesome. Maybe you should go back....

Doesn't Tom live in Denver? That would explain why he's so against people complaining about bandwagoneers... because 75-percent of that town are dipshit bandwagnoneers. E.G. ten years ago you'd see maybe a few dozen Blackhawk jerseys at an Avs game...against "da hahwks" and wearing Red Wing jersey would get you jabbed

I've defended this sport against many of what I consider unfounded attacks about its safety. But this is just fucking disgusting. Every single person in that kid's corner and anyone else in charge of that kid's safety should be fucking flogged.

I've been watching MMA consistently since UFC 19: Young Guns and the Pride Grand Prix when Gracie and Sakuraba fought for 90 minutes, and everything in this post are things I wish more MMA fans would understand and appreciate. The sport is fucked and Dana White is a pretty evil dude, and 70-percent of the fan base

Fact remains that it's still a safer sport than boxing. Hell, it might even be safer than the NFL. Somebody will die some day, just like somebody will die someday on an NFL football field. I agree we need to do everything we can to protect athletes, but I also think we have to respect their rights to make certain