Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Because whether the fights are scripted are not is irrelevant to the comparison and therefore irrelevant to the conversation. Marchman is comparing the techniques used to sell and promote the product, not the product itself.

Excuse me if I get "superiority" juice all over this post. I don't actually stop masturbating to it while I type, I muti-task.

Something tells me this isn't the first time you've gotten "conned."

The UFC is not MMA. That's part of the problem right there, that a lot of people don't realize that.

I don't know much about skittles, but I do know that when I buy a package of starbursts and the ratio of flavors is like 70-percent yellow, I feel like suicide.

I've met people whose literal favorite movies have been:

I don't quite understand the vitriol aimed at Kordell Stewart. Sure, he was a mediocre QB, but he's also part of that larger story about the fight for black men to be allowed to play QB. He was forced to be "slash" because people still weren't sure that a black athletic QB was viable. He played his role ("hot sports

Ayo, shout out to Hunter S Thompson for writing Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A dope book that gots a very subtle and nuanced deconstruction of the idea of the so-called "American Dream" as filtered through the lens of artifice best exemplified by both the debauched opulence of Vegas in the 1970s and the frantic

As someone who has watched this sport for more than a decade, back when they couldn't even get on PPV and I had to wait for UFC 19 "Young Guns" to come to Blockbuster, and who gets embarrassed to admit in public that I'm an MMA fan, that last paragraph nailed everything that is wrong with the sport's fanbase. They're

The chart showing all the people rooting for the Patriots reminds me how terrible humanity is.....

Yeah, deadspin should hire or assign someone to actually follow MMA, not just report on it from time to time. It's been obvious for a long time that Sonnen is actually a mostly decent dude. That doesn't excuse his obnoxious and, yes, racist trolling, but it should stop deadspin from falling for it so perfectly.

Trust me, most Coloradans wish for the Halcyon days when we were at a spiritual war with the state of California. The Texan/New Englander/Midwestern hordes are insufferable.

My own experience is that the people who throw around the word "hipster" a lot in a derogatory manner happen to have a lot of qualities in common with "hipsters." It's a weird phenomenon. They think they're throwing us off their scent, but most of the time I don't even think about it until they bring it up.