Yes, no jobs in California. The 5th largest economy in the world.
Yes, no jobs in California. The 5th largest economy in the world.
Definitely better looking than the 300Z. More character.
He had to publicly apologize to Ford, in mandarin.
Austria should learn from history. Any morons chatting, racist, sexist or other .ist stuff during a race should be sent to art school.
But sometimes you do. When I was in high school my FWD Passat with Micheline X Ice snow tires regularly couldn’t make it up my friends driveway on snowy or icy days and those are some of the best snow tires you can get. If you lived there, you literally wouldn’t be able to leave their place unless you wanted to start…
Ah yes, I want nothing more than for my car to be assembled by an over-worked, sleep deprived technician.
Are they going for distance?
I absolutely hate push button start! Another solution looking for a problem. And phone apps for opening and starting a car are even more stupid. I don’t mind hitting a button to unlock a door, that’s good, but not having a specific place to put the key or fob so you don’t forget it, is just asking for problems. At…
Shit you not, I have dreamt that Elon Musk was flying us from North Carolina to London in one of his SpaceX rockets. Suddenly, he announced over the intercom he had to attend a meeting and ejected himself from the rocket. As we were about to crash land in the Thames River in London, Thor guided us down to safety.
Hey, pole dancing is not just for strippers, it is also an actual sport, no different than gymnasts in terms of skill and awesomeness. I had the opportunity to learn the basics and it is awesome - to bad that I have the musical rhythm of RoboCop...
So they were Republicans then?
Doesn’t that just qualify as “natural causes” in Florida?
Morons can be great scammers. See also: Our 45th President.
His previous charges include assaulting a woman with a vehicle, so I'd say it's a pattern of behaviour.
Would you say he’s a heathen from Eton, on a bag of Michael Keaton?
If they can hold on long enough for people to start seeing the benefits, it could really be a great thing for the Mexican people. Hopefully the CIA stays out of it rather than doing their usual “topple any foreign leader to the left of Mussolini” move...
“Go back to eating paste?”
I think you mean prophetic, psychics read minds.
Thank you for echoing my thoughts on pretty much every point.
“Look, man, you think I *want* to make fun of these dying children? Hell no! But I have to, comedy requires that I make fun of them, in front of their already-grieving families. I’m a martyr, if you really think about it!”