
It probably doesn’t amount to much, but as a white, cishet dude I’m sorry that the rest of my ilk are massive cockwaffles.

As a trans woman who’s been put in the hospital and harassed incessantly by people who feel emboldened by exactly the sort of rhetoric Chapelle and Rowling spew (and that’s just this year, and in California of all places), I’m sure the comments on this post are going to just be lovely. I can’t wait to have some white,

Do you think it would be cool if a company came out with a car called “The Jew?” Or that it wouldn’t be bizarre if Jeep’s next crossover was called “The Korean?”

Right the only slippery slope regulations we seem to be ok with is a woman’s access to birth control. (snark)

Serious question: is Facebook addiction a generational thing? I’m asking because I closed my account in 2016 after realizing it was more or less a platform designed to reveal which of your high school classmates were in fact white supremacists, not to mention their absolute blatant disregard for account security. I

I feel like you’ve put too much thought into this.

Probably easier than being a tall one.

2nd Gear: Hang on, you’re telling me there are issues of racism at the company run by a trust fund kid whose family got all of their money by exploiting labor issues in Apartheid era South Africa?

Decided she no longer preferred the P.

Would you suggest rounding them up into camps? 

Whatever the root cause, faith in imaginary beings manipulating your lives isn’t a good thing.”

A whole lot of shitty internet atheists using this obviously mentally ill woman to justify their general anti-religious bigotry. So that’s cool.

Do you work for Taco Bell marketing?

Tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist 

Where does a manslplainer get his water? From a well, in reality.

With green fender guards and a speaker making exhaust sounds. Perhaps a plastic cover over the Frunk that says “HEMI”

That’s fair, yeah. Mostly I just think the particular red on this car is extremely meh.

The volcanic CO2 is gonna released one way or another, so if you can capture it, you might as well use it for something good.
The issue about using energy to create the methanol - i don’t have a solution for that. Perhaps Iceland has a big surplus of geothermal heat, so big that they can just use it for quite

“For centuries darker-skinned Afro-Latinx people have been erased from Latinidad, but we will be forgotten no more. We are tired of being maids and background dancers and will continue to push back until we are seen and heard. Indeed, Lin Manuel Miranda ‘fell short.’”

Literally my first thought.