Thank you for taking my comment at face value. I really agree that music is subjective and Im all for people liking what they like. Cool that you’ve played with Prince! Though I do think you missunderstood my comment.
Okay I’ll adress your points in order
I ride a motorcycle basically everywhere I go aslong as there isnt deep snow or I have to bring the dogs. And on the bike I get elavated enough so I can see who is focused on the road and who is on their phone or whatever. And after seeing how most Tesla drivers are acting as if the autopilot is selfdriving I have…
Wow of all the takes you could take you just took the worst.
Yup this is the poster child for worthless but desirable.
Cars? 10 or so years around 12-40 000 miles a year. Motorcycle 5 years ~6000 miles a year. I also drove a delivery truck for 3 summers when i studied for a couple of thousand miles.
Okay do you know an easy way to avoid this situation. DONT DRIVE UP TO A PROTEST JACKASS! and also USE THE FUCKING REVERSE!
I feel like most drivers should know that a car is able to go both forwards and backwards. Thats what that R on your gearlever means.
How about not driving into a crowd of protesters like all other drivers?
Having driven many sporty wagons from an Audi S2 to a BMW M5. May I say that if you arent going for two door sports car a wagon is the way to go. compared to a sedan you loose 0.01% of real world performance for 90% more practicality. Now if we are arguing that sporty SUVs are pointless then we might have more common…
Well it is ruined because it has lost the wonderful BMW straight six sound and feel and has been replaced with the sound of an american V8. Dont get me wrong a LS sounds alright in a muscle car or a Corvette. But a good deal of the experience of a 80's BMW is that nice straight six soundtrack.
Excuse me I was maybe unclear. I pack 3 pairs of gloves with me but I only wear one at a time. My thick gloves are thin enough so it really makes no difference to my finger mobility.
Im also wondering about the effectiveness of the cooled seat. When i wore my kevlar jeans last year riding my VFR750 was the first time i noticed the frame got hot. Something i never noticed in my regular goretex riding gear. I suspect unless these cooling seats go down sub freezing i would never notice the cooling…
I think you’ll find the answer to why by adding black before man of god.
Like the all cars should be manual crowd you are mistaken. The cub isnt a sportbike and isnt pretending to be. Unless the autoclutch is either A waaaay to slippy or B to harsh i se no issue with it.