That thing would billow out and shred at highway speeds.
That thing would billow out and shred at highway speeds.
Remember when Boeing merged with McDonnell-Douglas? It still says Boeing on the signage, but...yeah.
You have to remember that Mitsubishi is a company that happens to sometimes make cars rather than a car company. Mitsubishi is more like GE. They are huge in all kinds of ways.
I feel like that’s Toyota too at this point.
Mazda’s red with that gold metallic undertone is SUCH a cool color.
That finally explains why I can go on the Toyota website and build a basic Limited model Sequioa with the stuff I need want and it comes out to 67K, but when you look for a 500 mile radius at the inventory - it’s only the lifted TRD-Pro with a bunch of bolted on shit for 87K or the bare-bones SR5. Nothing in the…
Holy wheel wells, Batman!
Good job.
I was going to suggest the R350. The R63 sold like 100 units in North America. I have sung the praises of the R350 many times on Jalopnik. It’s a good car.
But can they track a Falken on a cloudy day?
Who would have thought a comedic movie like Rubber would be half-prescient?
The stereotypes don’t work for the PNW. It’s not solely lesbians and hipsters that drive’s everyone; because the car was almost perfectly made for this part of the world. I recall the Rocky Mt Front Range was also fairly inundated with Subies.
It’s the MB Tex. That stuff is damn near the most indestructible interior material ever made. Yeah, it’s vinyl but it’s good vinyl. I get the MB Tex over leather every time.
People talking about Suburu without mentioning the whole PNW? Sacrilege. I live in small mountainous, occasionally-snowy town in Oregon. 70% of the cars on the roads are some variation or progenitor of the Outback. It’s WILD. Even buying a used one is tricky because people want 6K for a 15 year old model year with…
Doesn’t matter.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but a Jaguar E-coupe is still a beautiful car. Sure, the ragtop is primo, and gets most of love, and rightfully so, but I do appreciate the graceful taper of the rear haunches. It’s still a good design and not just an also-ran.
New Fetish: UNLOCKED.